The truth about Brexit...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
The real reason that quitters were manipulated to do the bidding of the moneyed elite/corporates and foreign powers...

UK by far the biggest enabler of global corporate tax dodging, groundbreaking research finds

"The UK is by far the world’s biggest enabler of corporate tax dodging, helping funnel hundreds of billions of dollars away from state coffers, according to an international investigation....

A handful of the richest countries have waged a world tax war so corrosive, they’ve broken down the global corporate tax system beyond repair"

The EU has started the fight back, so those pulling the strings needed to extricate the UK from it's effects...

And the methodology was beautifully simple...

Con the most ignorant amongst the electorate by playing on their most basic 'fears', whilst making sure they suffer the most in order to keep the hatred and prejudice bubbling away!
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By the EU!!!!!
Part funding from...

With blow job as a role model, no wonder the only thing that comes out of your mouth is bovine excrement :LOL:

But hey, quitters are also quite happy with Bank's dodgy foreign money funding their lies :rolleyes:

Edit: Hardly a biased report given that they also fingered other EU countries such as the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Belgium etc...
The Jersey, Cayman, Bermuda & BVI, the main culprits, are either crown dependencies or british overseas territories all with their own government's and legal systems and as such aren't part of the UK. The UK itself as the article states is 13th, behind Ireland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland etc etc
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Nobody knows how many of London's multi-million palaces and mansions are owned by foreign generals, presidents and gangsters who need a luxury bolthole with easy access to fine restaurants, a private airport, luxury shopping, and a police force that is fairly honest and will probably not collude in an assassination. But it's a lot.

One wife spent £12million in Harrods.
The real reason that quitters were manipulated to do the bidding of the moneyed elite/corporates and foreign powers...

UK by far the biggest enabler of global corporate tax dodging, groundbreaking research finds

"The UK is by far the world’s biggest enabler of corporate tax dodging, helping funnel hundreds of billions of dollars away from state coffers, according to an international investigation....

A handful of the richest countries have waged a world tax war so corrosive, they’ve broken down the global corporate tax system beyond repair"

The EU has started the fight back, so those pulling the strings needed to extricate the UK from it's effects...

And the methodology was beautifully simple...

Con the most ignorant amongst the electorate by playing on their most basic 'fears', whilst making sure they suffer the most in order to keep the hatred and prejudice bubbling away!
No them brexers followed Boris onto the big red Bus.. No wait they couldn't make up their minds then Nigel turned up and showed them faasands of immigrants flooding in..So We followed Nige.. but wait all the time there's these billionaire consortium's thinking nah fck these remote Off shore laundering cartels let's just Brexit Britain. Omg. Whatever next.. you guys put Lord Jackanory to shame.
Nobody knows how many of London's multi-million palaces and mansions are owned by foreign generals, presidents and gangsters who need a luxury bolthole with easy access to fine restaurants, a private airport, luxury shopping, and a police force that is fairly honest and will probably not collude in an assassination. But it's a lot.

One wife spent £12million in Harrods.
Have you ever spoken to anyone in the banking world about money laundering? Hmm.
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