US may be looking for an exclusive deal on vaccines

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Germany tries to stop Trump from luring away firm working on coronavirus vaccine

Germany tries to stop Trump from luring away firm working on coronavirus vaccine
The German government said the U.S. was looking into how it could gain access to a potential vaccine being developed by a German firm, CureVac.

March 15, 2020, 3:54 PM GMT / Updated March 16, 2020, 12:01 PM GMT
By Reuters and NBC News

BERLIN — Berlin is trying to stop Washington from persuading a German company seeking a coronavirus vaccine to move its research to the United States, prompting German politicians to insist no country should have a monopoly on any future vaccine.

German government sources told Reuters on Sunday that the U.S. administration was looking into how it could gain access to a potential vaccine being developed by a German firm, CureVac.

Earlier, the Welt am Sonntag German newspaper reported that President Donald Trump had offered funds to lure CureVac to the United States, and the German government was making counter-offers to tempt it to stay.

"The German government is very interested in ensuring that vaccines and active substances against the new coronavirus are also developed in Germany and Europe," a Health Ministry spokeswoman said, confirming a quote in the newspaper.

"In this regard, the government is in intensive exchange with the company CureVac," she added.

A senior American official later said the Welt report was wrong.

"Not true. The Welt story was wrong," said Richard Grenell, acting Director of National Intelligence and the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, referring to the newspaper report.

"Now everyone is back peddling," he added on Twitter.
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