US shooting..

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I lived in the States for ten years. People in uk dont understand the place. Basically these events are considered acceptable losses by those in the nra who pay the politicians. If i went back id pop into walmart and buy a gun. Nobody would break into my house to nick my car keys because if i shot them i would be taken out for a beer by the cops for doing a good job.

If you give people guns then people are going to get shot. Thats just the way it is. Nothing is going to change over there and it will happen again. As they say "get over it". The real trdgedy is all the kids who get killed when they find daddies gun and start to play with it. But the nra doesnt like that to be discussed so it isnt
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I see the names of the victims have been released today and it has been revealed that the killer followed the "teachings" of the Nowegian Mass Killer. Anders Breivik.

One of the deceased was a 6 year old who's mum is fighting for her life.

Complete tragedy!
what the fook !!!

aren't we glad we don't have the 5th amendment here !!!????

I think you mean the 2nd amendment.

The second amendment was introduced with good intentions and is probably a good idea. Alas its been intepreted by a political Supreme Court to mean almost any tom dick or harry can own a gun. Not just "well regulated militias" which is what the bill of rights actually says
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