Zion and the Art of Armageddon

Seems like the Egyptians had a gun battle with the IDF ?? One Egyptian soldier killed ?
Yep, this is one of the reasons that the Rafah crossing has been agreed to be a de-militarised zone without IDF troops to avoid conflict.

Plus the IDF have awful fire discipline.
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Seems like the Egyptians had a gun battle with the IDF ?? One Egyptian soldier killed ?

Yep, this is one of the reasons that the Rafah crossing has been agreed to be a de-militarised zone without IDF troops to avoid conflict.

Plus the IDF have awful fire discipline.

Reports I've read suggest the Egyptians opened fire on the Israelis and the Israelis returned fire.
Reports I've read suggest the Egyptians opened fire on the Israelis and the Israelis returned fire.
let me guess, from the IDF?

But either way there has been an agreement that Israel doesn't station troops there to prevent incidents. Israel broke that agreement.
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The former head of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, allegedly threatened a chief prosecutor of the international criminal court in a series of secret meetings in which he tried to pressure her into abandoning a war crimes investigation, the Guardian can reveal. Yossi Cohen’s covert contacts with the ICC’s then prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, took place in the years leading up to her decision to open a formal investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in occupied Palestinian territories. That investigation, launched in 2021, culminated last week when Bensouda’s successor, Karim Khan, announced that he was seeking an arrest warrant for the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, over the country’s conduct in its war in Gaza.

The revelations about Cohen’s operation form part of a forthcoming investigation by the Guardian, the Israeli-Palestinian publication +972 Magazine and the Hebrew-language outlet Local Call, revealing how multiple Israel intelligence agencies ran a covert “war” against the ICC for almost a decade. Three sources briefed on the information shared by Israel at a diplomatic level described the efforts as part of an unsuccessful “smear campaign” against Bensouda. “They went after Fatou,” one source said, but it had “no impact” on the prosecutor’s work. The diplomatic efforts were part of a coordinated effort by the governments of Netanyahu and Donald Trump in the US to place public and private pressure on the prosecutor and her staff.
There has been more press coverage on this war than most
That’s because it’s not a war, Palestinians can’t fight back they have no army.

It’s about a powerful country relentlessly bombing a bunch of Palestinians that are trapped in a small area no bigger the Isle of Wight.

The cruelty Israel is inflicting on Gaza is not surprisingly very newsworthy.
Reports I've read suggest the Egyptians opened fire on the Israelis and the Israelis returned fire.
An Egyptian. Seems he or she missed, IDF person didn't. The miss might be significant or it might not be. Further news might bring out more detail or it might not.
de-militarised zone without IDF troops to avoid conflict.
More of a semi according the reports. What the IDF can have there is limited. Seems to have been broken now tanks etc are around. Remember this is a negotiated boarder from 1967. As is the West Bank one. It was part of Jordan. A bone of contention as far as the Arab League are concerned. They lost.

I should have added that once Hamas was in control what Israel could have there was irrelevant.
In a sense they do not have an army. Not enough equipment. They can not face Israel in an open field. The days of shield walls are long over. How did Hamas get there? Simple one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Given an election they would very probably be controlling the West Bank Easily fixed - don't have one.
More of a semi according the reports. What the IDF can have there is limited. Seems to have been broken now tanks etc are around. Remember this is a negotiated boarder from 1967. As is the West Bank one. It was part of Jordan. A bone of contention as far as the Arab League are concerned. They lost.

I should have added that once Hamas was in control what Israel could have there was irrelevant.
The Egyptian forces are allowed limited light arms there. There are not supposed to be any IDF troops there, let alone operating with MBTs.
Ok well I am sure my post was correct when Israel occupied Gaza. Once HAMAS takes control the set up as it was becomes meaningless.

Anyway. Part of the US pier has washed up on the beach. The trucks that have come that way are being looted. Civilisation of any sort has broken down - as expected and mentioned.

Fighting so close to the Kuwait hospital serious thoughts about closing it. 2 medics killed. It's become a main centre for treatment. Visiting doctor who was in the European hospital comments - thoughts about moving patients to that but too dangerous. He came back recently. Another pointed out that a lot of the medical people lived in the area of Rafar that has been evacuated. Gone now as they have moved to the "safe" zones.

Spain, Ireland and Norway are now officially recognising Palestine as a state. More may follow. Around 140 do anyway. This is another sort of war against certain western states. It's what gave rise to the ICJ hearing. Behind this is the actual effectiveness of the Oslo accord. Might also be worth considering what happened to the Israeli that signed it. Also the rise of Benjamin and similar.
Tanks are reported in the center of Rafah as one million people have fled the city. How will US aid reach them now? Will the Zionists blockade the aid and give the refugees no lemonade to ease the endless suffering inflicted upon them in the cause of 'Freedom and Democracy'?

Stay tooned for the next exhausting episode of Zion and the Art of Armageddon.

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