
Wot I've never got is; if apes evolved into man, why are there still apes? Not that I believe in creationism mind you.
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They had a common ancestor. One lot came out of the trees and started eating meat, the other lot stayed in the trees eating bananas (and still do).

We didn't evolve directly from the apes you see today.
i was an unbeliever once, and i used to try and imagine an end to space

Now you just make us smile with your infantile ramblings. :)
Keep up the good work. ;)
Wot I've never got is; if apes evolved into man, why are there still apes? Not that I believe in creationism mind you.

Agree with joe - to expand a bit - apes and every other creature living today are modern lifeforms just as we are. There's a common misunderstanding about evolution that says evolution is the process whereby primitive creatures gradually evolve over long timescales to become 'higher' animals such as large mammals and eventually humans. That's not true. In fact it's dead wrong. All the animals you see around us are equally well evolved - they all found different solutions to adapt to their environment. There's no grand hierarchy of living things with bacteria at the bottom and humans at the top. That view of the world is rooted more in certain religious beliefs - it's not a scientific view. So less complex lifeforms are not somehow 'under-evolved'.
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Yes. My post was kind of tongue in cheek. It's the common impression given by almost any reference to evolution though. That we are all evolved from apes. The posters on primary school walls. The telly programmes. They all show that iconic progression from small ape to bigger ape to apey type man to man. Bit misleading really.
People think that intelligence is the ultimate goal of evolution, we have intelligence therefore we are the pinnacle.

Sharp teeth, armour, speed, massive claws etc have proved themselves time and time again, how can we say intelligence is really any good because as far as we know its only ever worked for one species.
We and the current apes have shared ancestry.

Not every fossil for each intermediate species can be or will be found, otherwise you would be digging upu parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc all the way back to the ooze.

Shared genetic information between life shows roughly where we all branched off from each other. Genetics is the proof of evolution.
How many dinosaurs would you need to form a breeding colony that lived for more than 65 million years until man turned up to see them?

It didn't happen mate.

You know it happened, you are just being coy. And I have a picture to prove it.

You and your dinosaur luvin' it up in your palatial Darwin cave.
We and the current apes have shared ancestry.

Not every fossil for each intermediate species can be or will be found, otherwise you would be digging upu parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc all the way back to the ooze.

Shared genetic information between life shows roughly where we all branched off from each other. Genetics is the proof of evolution.

ok,thanks for your reply, and i forgive you for saying my grandparents are apes lol

what i mean is,why has it stoped,shoreley it would have to continue to evolve even today. but i see know ape develping into a human alive today.

genetics is very complex, here is a link to a better coverage of it

this is what i heard about darwin, in his history

darwin did read the bible ,and apparently believed it,but something in genesis got him confused. The word bearing seed according to its KIND,and mistakenly thought SPECIES,this turned him upside down in his believe in creation.

the difference between the word kind and species is massive.

according to its kind means

example you can have different types of dog. but you cant have half a dog and half a fish, becuase its not of its kind.

the word species allows you to imagine or believe that a dog can evolve from a fish. or fish into a cat, or ape to man ect

i see if i can get a link on this better
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