Child protection

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Take your emotion out of it.

You post a point.
I counter it.
that's how debate works.
You are just as prejudiced as any on here - you decide your position, then read the links to support them.
You like to think you're fair-minded - you're nothing of the sort.
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I have looked at the figures too.

Whilst it would be incorrect to dismiss the fact that a lot of child marriages are of Muslim origin, it would be incorrect however to assume that it is solely a Muslim phenomenon.

What most commentators and critics do agree on is that it is almost exclusively to do with poverty and poor education.

What was reprehensible, within this thread, was to post hoax photographs of something and try and pass them off as a child bride mass Muslim wedding.

This was a disgusting and desperate cheap shot.
I have looked at the figures too.

Whilst it would be incorrect to dismiss the fact that a lot of child marriages are of Muslim origin, it would be incorrect however to assume that it is solely a Muslim phenomenon.

What most commentators and critics do agree on is that it is almost exclusively to do with poverty and poor education.

What was reprehensible, within this thread, was to post hoax photographs of something and try and pass them off as a child bride mass wedding.

This was a disgusting and desperate cheap shot.

Thanks Nosey.

I didn't say that it was solely a muslim phenomenon - RN said that it mostly nothing to do with Islam.

Hypothetically speaking, when a population gets educated, child marriage declines.
I have looked at the figures too.

Whilst it would be incorrect to dismiss the fact that a lot of child marriages are of Muslim origin, it would be incorrect however to assume that it is solely a Muslim phenomenon.

What most commentators and critics do agree on is that it is almost exclusively to do with poverty and poor education.

What was reprehensible, within this thread, was to post hoax photographs of something and try and pass them off as a child bride mass wedding.

This was a disgusting and desperate cheap shot.

Thanks Nosey.

I didn't say that it was solely a muslim phenomenon - RN said that it mostly nothing to do with Islam.
Strictly speaking, that's an accurate statement. However it hides the truth.
You posts have been consistently intimating that Islam is the primary cause of child brides.
Your very first comment in this thread was obviously supporting the claim that Sharia law is responsible for child brides. Supported by continuous mis-interpretation of your presented statistics.
Your persistent, I'll give you that, mistaken but persistent.

Sorry mods, I know I'm gonna be moaned at for using excessive quotes, but I thought it was necessary to illustrate the point.
Family law

Laws relating to marriage, divorce, children and inheritance are not codified and fall within the general jurisdiction of the Sharia courts.[90]

There is no minimum age for marriage in Saudi Arabia and the Grand Mufti reportedly said in 2009 that girls of the age of 10 or 12 were marriageable.[93][/QUOTE]
Strange that you, and others highlighted sharia law. :rolleyes:
Sharia law (Arabic: شريعة) is the body of Islamic law.[/QUOTE]
But why not highlight the more deserving cases?
It's this pre-occupation with islamic practices that determine your, and others, islamophobia.
Because almost all of this thread has been about Islamic practices / prejudices, and therefore it is relevant to use relevant examples.

I was merely putting forward what I believed to be referenced evidence, that I considered relevant to the content of the majority of the thread.
And supported your view and argument.

Scroll down to the Prevalence Data table.
Click on the link for each of the top 20 child marriage countries in it (I got bored after India). (all percentages from wikipedia, as well)

Highest prevalence of child marriage - Niger (99% muslim)
2nd - Chad - 54% muslim
12th - India - 13.4%
I then decided to look up some more Wiki-links
Child marriage in India, according to Indian law, is a marriage where either the woman is below age 18 or the man is below age 21.[1] Most child marriages involve underage women, many of whom are in poor socio-economic conditions.[2]
Child marriages are prevalent in India
Under protests from Muslim organizations in the undivided British India, a personal law Shariat Act was passed in 1937 that allowed child marriages with consent from girl's guardian.
The child marriage prevention laws have been challenged in Indian courts, with some Muslim Indian organizations seeking no minimum age and that the age matter be left to their personal law.
Jharkand, with the highest child marriage rate in India (14.1%)

Hinduism is the major religion in the state with 68.57% adherents followed by Islam (14.5%) and Christianity (4.5%) as per 2001 census.
Now, shoot my maths down if you want, but logic alone might dictate that if approx. 14% of the population of a state are child married, and 14% of the population of that same state are a particular religion, there is a good likelihood that particular religion account for almost all of the child marriages?

Do you still insist that the "vast majority of child brides are nothing to do with Islam."?

Hypothetically speaking, when a population gets educated, child marriage declines.
The world renown and respected professionals insist that poverty is the primary and over-riding influence.

Historically speaking, not hypothetically but historically, education and poverty are not mutually exclusive.
There are numerous example throughout history of educationally and/or militarily advanced people taking advantage and subjugating others into poverty.
Australia, America, Canada, South America, West Indies, India, Africa, UK.
There are current examples of this educationally advanced "classes" subjugating, sometimes the masses, into poverty: China, Asia, Middle East, South America, perhaps even some European countries.

Also, poverty is often aligned with a rise in under-age pregnancies, even in "civilised" countries.

Yet despite this overwhelming evidence and respected opinion, you still suggest that your view is paramount to other respected professionals who have carried out primary research to arrive at their conclusion that there is no one religion that is responsible for child brides.
No one religious affiliation was associated with child marriage, according to a 2007 ICRW study. Rather, a variety of religions are associated with child marriage in countries throughout the world.
If you wish, I will reiterate: "The vast majority of child brides are nothing to do with Islam."
As stated earlier, religion (no one religion) plays a minor influence in child brides, but the primary cause is poverty.
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- you decide your position, then read the links to support them.

You're not far from the truth. Unfortunately for you and others, the position that some of us adopt are reinforcable, provable and supportable by facts, figures, respected opinions, etc.
You, and others adopt a position, then you're either hard-pressed to support that position, or you're proven to be in the wrong position, or you have no evidence whatsoever to show how you arrived at your position.

You like to think you're fair-minded - you're nothing of the sort.
Perhaps it's because we are fair-minded that we characteristically adopt the correct position. It's not just accidental.
Perhaps, for similar reasons the bigotted adopt the incorrect position.

Once or twice, we could put down to coincidence, but to consistently choose the incorrect position, well....
With apologies to Oscar Wilde "To lose one argument may be regarded as misfortune: to lose two, three and more looks like carelessness."
I have looked at the figures too.

Whilst it would be incorrect to dismiss the fact that a lot of child marriages are of Muslim origin, it would be incorrect however to assume that it is solely a Muslim phenomenon.

What most commentators and critics do agree on is that it is almost exclusively to do with poverty and poor education.

What was reprehensible, within this thread, was to post hoax photographs of something and try and pass them off as a child bride mass Muslim wedding.

This was a disgusting and desperate cheap shot.

Here you go, yemen child brides...

Take your pick mr naive.
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I have looked at the figures too.

Whilst it would be incorrect to dismiss the fact that a lot of child marriages are of Muslim origin, it would be incorrect however to assume that it is solely a Muslim phenomenon.

What most commentators and critics do agree on is that it is almost exclusively to do with poverty and poor education.

What was reprehensible, within this thread, was to post hoax photographs of something and try and pass them off as a child bride mass Muslim wedding.

This was a disgusting and desperate cheap shot.

Here you go, yemen child brides...

Take your pick mr naive.
This accompanied the photograph:
Mohammed Ahmed, head of Haradh's police department, called the reports "baseless."

"Residents heard this story from one another and it spread very quickly, like a rumor," Ahmed said -- adding that Rawan's father had been called into the town's police station for questioning and had denied the incident.

"When he came to us he brought a little girl with him who he said was Rawan to prove his case, and they were both photographed together by the police," Ahmed said.

Muslims in the US constantly proclaim that they don't want to change anything about America and that their way of life is no different than ours. Both of these statements are outright lies. They fully intend on turning America into an Islamic state and their ways are very different than those of most Americans.

We have already seen instances of sharia law being imposed in our country over local, state and federal law. ................................. Barack Obama has openly supported Muslim terrorists while stripping Christians of their constitutional rights.[/QUOTE]
Fair, unbiased, you think?
The article continues with:
The only thing that's going to stop the epidemic is to elect Christians to all political offices and prayer.
Now we understand their true motives, it's a cheap political trick to justify christian political republican candidates.

A footnote accompanies the article:
Photo 2: The practice of child brides has risen in the last decade. Some say this photo is fake or staged but others say it represents the law and practice of the land. Original source, unknown.
Has anyone read Khaled Hosseini's second novel (after The kite Runner) called A Thousand Splendid Suns?
Mariam is only fifteen when she is sent to Kabul to marry Rasheed. Nearly two decades later, a friendship grows between Mariam and a local teenager, Laila, as strong as the ties between mother and daughter. When the Taliban take over, life becomes a desperate struggle against starvation, brutality and fear. Yet love can move a person to act in unexpected ways, and lead them to overcome the most daunting obstacles with a startling heroism.[/QUOTE]
It was some time after the marriage, and not until Mariam was ready did any sexual activity take place.
When it did take place it was instigated by Mariam.
There are no timelines in the novel, other than the whole novel is based over forty-four years, to make any rational decision, only the passage of events, history, etc.

So marriage at a young age does not necessarily mean sexual activity ocurrs at a young age.
Before anyone suggests that I'm supporting child brides, be confident that I am not!
Merely that it is incorrect to assume that marriage and sexual activity are mutually inclusive.
[Here you go, yemen child brides...

Take your pick mr naive.
Funny, I just Googled "fake child bride photos" and got exactly the same selection. :LOL:

Deary me Mr Gullible, you are going to have to do better than that if you are to convince anyone with a modicum of intelligence. :rolleyes:

This is what happens to yemen child brides mr naïve...

Of course it can't be true its in the mail.
Actually the photo was in the Oregon Herald, and they were using it to promote their christian republican political candidates.
But the Oregon Herald admitted that they did not know the origin or prevenance of the photo.

You're confusing the two issues, the photo and potentially genuine tragic cases of pedophilia.
Notice this phrase in the DM article:
An eight-year-old child bride has died in Yemen of internal bleeding sustained during her wedding night after being forced to marry a man five times her age, activists have claimed
[Here you go, yemen child brides...

Take your pick mr naive.
Funny, I just Googled "fake child bride photos" and got exactly the same selection. :LOL:

Deary me Mr Gullible, you are going to have to do better than that if you are to convince anyone with a modicum of intelligence. :rolleyes:

This is what happens to yemen child brides mr naïve...

Of course it can't be true its in the mail.
Actually it was in the Oregon Herald, and they were using it to promote their christian republican political candidates.
But they admitted that they did not know the origin or prevenance of the photo.

You're full of schitt and forever the apologist.
You're full of schitt and forever the apologist.
What a wonderful and reasoned response.
I thank you. You prove my point precisely.

The article about the Yemeni bride was in the DM on 9th Sept. It was supported by the phrase: "Activists claimed"
Now which activists would that be?
It was re-reported along with the "fake" photo in the Oregon Herald on 15th Sept in support of christian republican politicians.

Now make your own mind up about it's validitiy.
You're full of schitt and forever the apologist.
What a wonderful and reasoned response.
I thank you. You prove my point precisely.

The article about the Yemeni bride was in the DM on 9th Sept. It was supported by the phrase: "Activists claimed"
Now which activists would that be?
It was re-reported along with the "fake" photo in the Oregon Herald on 15th Sept in support of christian republican politicians.

Now make your own mind up about it's validitiy.

You're actually dismissing the activists who try to help girls like her.
You're full of schitt and forever the apologist.
What a wonderful and reasoned response.
I thank you. You prove my point precisely.

The article about the Yemeni bride was in the DM on 9th Sept. It was supported by the phrase: "Activists claimed"
Now which activists would that be?
It was re-reported along with the "fake" photo in the Oregon Herald on 15th Sept in support of christian republican politicians.

Now make your own mind up about it's validitiy.

You're actually dismissing the activists who try to help girls like her.
Your imagination is running wild now and you've gone completely potty.
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