Most British Muslims 'oppose Muhammad cartoons reprisals'

15 Nov 2005
Reaction score
Cook Islands
The majority of British Muslims oppose violence against people who publish images depicting the Prophet Muhammad, a poll for the BBC suggests.

The survey also indicates most have no sympathy with those who want to fight against Western interests.

Selection of ComsRes questions

If someone I knew from the Muslim community was planning an act of violence I would report them to the police - 94% agree

I know Muslims who feel strongly sympathetic towards people fighting for IS and al-Qaeda - 8% agree

Muslim clerics who preach that violence against the West can be justified are out of touch with mainstream opinion - 49% agree

I would like my children to go a Muslim state school if I had the choice - 31% agree

I would rather socialise with Muslims than non-Muslims - 13% agree

If I could I would leave Britain and go and live in another country - 14% agree
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That's alright then, you had me worried for a minute. So it's only approx. 1.5 million muslims who feel sympathy for the Hebdo terrorists - in The UK alone.

Hardly anything. :rolleyes:
Whitespite selectively ignores:

"If someone I knew from the Muslim community was planning an act of violence I would report them to the police - 94% agree "
But if it's already been committed, for something trivial like a cartoon, I would support them - 27%, 1.5 million agree.
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Just to clarify John D thinks 1.5 Million muslims supporting the murdering terrorists in France is proof of what jolly good chaps they all are?
Possibly not the best example to quote old fella.
That's alright then, you had me worried for a minute. So it's only approx. 1.5 million muslims who feel sympathy for the Hebdo terrorists - in The UK alone.

Hardly anything. :rolleyes:

And that's only the ones prepared to tell the truth.

Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences."

There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.
But if it's already been committed, for something trivial like a cartoon, I would support them

WhiteSpite has made up a question, and an answer, that were not in the survey. That way, he can pretend it says whatever he wants.
That wasn't in the survey either. You're just making things up for your own pleasure.
But if it's already been committed, for something trivial like a cartoon, I would support them

WhiteSpite has made up a question, and an answer, that were not in the survey. That way, he can pretend it says whatever he wants.

JohnDoh! - we all realise that possibly due to you age, you have real trouble handling facts - but in the Telegraph article, didn't the survey reveal that 27% of ROP 'have sympathy for the Charlie Hebdo terrorists'?

Here in black and white for you -

Just because it wasn't in your survey, doesn't mean to say that it's not fact. :rolleyes:
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