So Mrs Shadow Home Secretary, what do we do with illegal immigrants?

3 Sep 2006
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West Mids
United Kingdom
Piers Morgan: ‘…I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask the shadow home secretary, in light of this massive scandal, what Labour’s policy on illegal immigrants is. Do you think that they should be removed from the country, or should they be allowed to stay here?’

Diane Abbott: ‘We are…yes, but..what I can say to you is we are working on our immigration policy, obviously post-Brexit everyone has got to consider the immigration policy.’

Morgan: ‘I’m just going to ask one more time: should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay in the country, or should they be removed?’

Abbott: ‘All I can say to you, Piers, is anybody watching the programme this morning, will be surprised that you don’t want to talk about the immediate plight of the Windrush generation.’

Morgan: ‘I’m just trying to work out what Labour’s view of illegal immigrants is. I don’t know why you are finding it hard to answer that question.’

Oh dear…

Watch it here, she has not got a scooby

LOL what a F'in joke.
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I watched that, it shows how in opposition its easy to criticise faults but not so easy to come up with solutions.

I do think though that Piers Morgan has an ego issue, he certainly likes to be the winner and he doesnt like being beaten by women.

I find it hard to watch Diane Abbott, she has a most unfortunate delivery.....its almost like its designed to irritate.
Clueless didn't have a clue how to answer the question. Typical labour politician, Abbot is an embarrassment to labour.
But its a simple question for the wannabe Home Secretary - what will Labour do with the hundreds of thousands illegal immigrants that are in the UK? What are the policies?

It's like when I asked John D to explain how tax avoidance is an actual loss in revenue in the same way that benefit payments are. Er, well, err, well I would rather talk about err, lets's see, err .... :rolleyes:
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Diane Abbott didnt give an answer because she probably would like an amnesty, but its not labour policy, nor popular with the public.
"So Mrs Shadow Home Secretary, what do we do with illegal immigrants?"

What do we do about 'legal' little englanders?

Be careful what you wish for ;)
What's wrong with that? Nothing to hide, nothing to worry about. A lot of people who moan about I D cards will have no problems getting their DNA tested just so they can "brag" about being 2% African, what do they think happens to their DNA sample?
What's wrong with that? Nothing to hide, nothing to worry about. A lot of people who moan about I D cards will have no problems getting their DNA tested just so they can "brag" about being 2% African, what do they think happens to their DNA sample?

Post your bank details, postal address etc on here.

Do you have a tipple before you post? I suggest you stop.
What's wrong with that? Nothing to hide, nothing to worry about.
Well since you have 'Nothing to hide, nothing to worry about', would you care to share with us your personal details?

Like real name, address, medical history, financial details etc

After all, you appear to be happy to share that information with complete strangers in government and have that information swapped between faceless departments.

And of course any government is so squeaky clean that it'll never do anything underhand or screw up your data?

Those who claim that they have 'Nothing to hide, nothing to worry about' should be very afraid - of themselves!

After all, not caring about your own privacy is akin to not caring about free speech because you have nothing to say!

First they came for....;)
Simple fact is, if you are here illegally then you shouldn't be.

A government's job is to deal with illegals and send them back, and at least have a policy FFS.
Can you tell us the definition of 'illegals'?
Simple fact is, if you are here illegally then you shouldn't be.

A government's job is to deal with illegals and send them back, and at least have a policy FFS.

The problem with Dianne Abbot as a Home Secetary is that she wont be looking after the UK, but looking after her kin. Just like she always has done.

just like you then, why you so unhappy?

Making life tougher for citizens is not going to stop the problem of illegal immigrants - by their nature they are off grid so making life harder for everyone else makes no sense other than an opportunity to take more control and dumbos will go along with that.

If successive governments were really concerned about illegal immigration - no one really knows the level of it to any degree of confidence they would have implemented something better than what we currently have.

The only approach is being sensible about it - so that discounts Javid, Abbot etc.
Can you tell us the definition of 'illegals'?
In this context, perhaps breaking into the back of a container lorry in Calais, stowing away across the channel and then springing out at the next motorway service station.*

*Other illegal routes are available
Making life tougher for citizens is not going to stop the problem of illegal immigrants - by their nature they are off grid so making life harder for everyone else makes no sense other than an opportunity to take more control and dumbos will go along with that.
That's the ironic bit that brexshiteers just don't get.

They claim to have 'got their country back', but will have all the same issues albeit without the collective method of restraint!

'dumbos' indeed!
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