Universal Credit is madness

I thought the UK now had full employment, apparently unemployment can't go below 3% as you need flexibility in the Labour market.
So if there is full employment in the economy why aren't the tax revenues flowing in to clear the deficit, if the UK can't balance the books with full employment how will they ever balance them.
Is this paradox of alleged full employment vs claims by the government that there isn't enough money coming in caused by the fact that due to massive immigration of low skilled labour Britain is now a low wage economy.

Look into NAIRU.

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surely everybody loves Tory tax breaks?

Cuts in taxes mean cuts in public services.

That is the point isn't it ,so how do we raise incomes to the point where people are paying more tax to cover the nation's bills.
You could abolish the welfare system but that would only cause more poverty because you would have millions of desperate workers undercutting each other to earn a crust, only the rich would benefit.

.. and more crime. Without welfare we'd be even less safe than now.
The fact that this country / government ? Seem
To now rely on food banks ?? Should be a source of shame imo
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People used to watch images of Russian bread queues on the television and think to themselves what a terrible system.
I wonder what Russians think when they see desperate Brits (many of whom have jobs) queueing outside foodbanks.
or because the media make them out to be that way. It is more effective to attack a political party by attacking the politicians, than to attack the actual policies.
In England and Wales, a workhouse, colloquially known as a spike, was a place where those unable to support themselves were offered accommodation and employment.
Now we give the fekless wastes of oxygen a house,benefits, free access to NHS for any shyte,,and fek knows what else...assholes
No one needs to rely on food bank apart from spongers,bring back work houses

I wish that was ttue.

Sadly there are people in food poverty. Some due to PIP, some due to switch to universal credit.

I know there are some people and some families that live in a world of benefits. And there are some that are caught up in benefits that would prefer to work but cant afford to do so.

Universal credit in theory should be a good thing.
Fact is that there are plenty of old people in the UK who would probably be better off in prison ???

Food ? Heating, human rights , medical attention .

Duty of care by the state ?
This Universal credit debacle could turn out to be the Tories poll tax moment.
When you have bodies like United Nations investigating the effects of Universal credit on disabled and other vulnerable groups it means something must be seriously wrong.
When I read the UN report on UC that stated that the government was systematically abusing it's own citizens I thought they were referring to some tinpot dictatorship.
I thought that these reports were exaggerated and then there was a story in the local paper about a girl with a 3 year old kid
The girl herself was a professional Chef and had never been unemployed, when she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease which is a type of cancer she had to give up work.
When this girl was told that she would have to assessed for UC or PIPs her cancer had spread to her lungs and she was receiving chemo and radiation treatment.
Because she was so ill the assessor had to do a home visit, despite having medical reports from specialists, the assessor who's only qualification was as a physiotherapist sent in a report that the girl was fit for work.
The girl was informed that her benefits were stopped ,it was only because her story was reported in the local papers that there was a campaign to get her benefits reinstated.
Unfortunately the above story is not an isolated case.
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