So, do we book a holiday or don’t we?

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It’s not just about fatalities though is it? A work colleague of my wife had her husband catch it. He got over it but has lasting brain damage. My mates wife got it, she got over it but now has lung damage. Don’t take my word for it, ask your two medic sons what they think about it as well as the effects of long Covid.
Got any figures for the alleged 'long covid' effects?

Oh that's right it's currently 'suggested' one in 20 people who get it 'might' suffer symptoms lasting more than eight weeks.
And it's only an estimate right now!

But what do you think the consequences 'might' be from the millions of missed scans/mammograms/smears/cancer tests/blood tests?

Not to mention the effect on mental health that will last for decades...

Oh and I certainly wouldn't take your word for it - it's worthless.
And given your unqualified claims of being 'certain' about the effects, if you talk to medical professionals then the jury is still out...

May I suggest that you check the facts rather than spreading baseless conjecture just because it fits your agenda...

Because those who question what they are being told tend to be a tad more intelligent than those who 'go with the flow'...

Probably a bit too late for you, but do try it. It's quite enlightening! :)
May I suggest that you check the facts rather than spreading baseless conjecture just because it fits your agenda...

Because those who question what they are being told tend to be a tad more intelligent than those who 'go with the flow'...
The same can be said for you.

It is possible for people to consider the facts and conclude what they are being told is, on balance, correct. This might then lead to all or some of those people adhering to governmental advice/guidance/policy.

It doesn't however mean all of these people are sheep and/or going with the flow. Will a % of people fall into those categories? Of course. Doesn't mean you can apply it to all however.
Got any figures for the alleged 'long covid' effects?

Oh that's right it's currently 'suggested' one in 20 people who get it 'might' suffer symptoms lasting more than eight weeks.
No. Only the two examples I know of and they’ve both had effects that have lasted more than 8 weeks because they caught it back in April last year. Based on your one in 20 suggestions, I’d need to know 40 people that have had it. I dont know more than half a dozen. What do your medic sons say about long Covid?
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If we were forcing a Y/N answer to the question 'is covid real and causing deaths?' I would answer Yes. Would you?

Yes. But a lot fewer deaths then claimed. If they're exaggerating that, what else are they lying about? No seasonal flu deaths this year. Are they serious? Don't agree with police state or vaccine passports. Mutations are used to scare gullible people and used to justify stretching out lockdowns. They're entirely normal and haven't seen any evidence that the any mutations that may exist are worse than the original flavour of Corona. Ever changing goalposts from a decitful, incompetent government.
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Yes. But a lot fewer deaths then claimed. If they're exaggerating that, what else are they lying about? No seasonal flu deaths this year. Are they serious? Don't agree with police state or vaccine passports. Mutations are used to scare gullible people and stretch out lockdowns. They're entirely normal and haven't seen any evidence that the any mutations that exist are worse than the origiginal flavour of Corona. Ever changing goalposts from a decitful, incompetent government.
If we knew everything that was going on behind governmental closed doors, we'd probably conclude all governments ever to have held power in the UK have been deceitful and incompetent to varying degrees.

This is what makes me chuckle when the government is held to account by the opposition parties. It is of course right that they are held to account, however if anyone thinks Labour, Lib Dems or the Greens would have done a spectacularly better job managing this crisis, they're deluded.
Yes. But a lot fewer deaths then claimed.


You don't believe the ONS figures then..........:rolleyes::rolleyes:
The ONS is keen to play down the WWII angle, for good reason. The population is much larger, more mobile, and we have far more data. But 2020 was the worst year for excess deaths in decades, they say. They feel the 5 year average is the best base line in deciding what is, 'excess'. Some on here like the, 'yeah, but how can we be sure the last 5 years wasn't a very low average?' The ONS talking head nixed that idea as flawed. And, in 2020, how coincidental is it, they ask, that the surge in excess deaths came outside the 'normal worst' times of year for death rates. Fluke eh?

Note that the term 'Covid' is not used- these are deaths we wouldn't expect to have. That's a major out for the tinfoil hat wearers, who immediately assume it was, 'something else'. Me? I don't go for coincidence much.
Add to that the destruction of the world economy and the implementation of draconian 'laws' by decree...

And what will happen to the world's economy if 20% of the population died over the next 10 years?
And what will happen to the world's economy if 20% of the population died over the next 10 years?

20%???? Stop watching the BBC. Now! :rolleyes:

13,200,000 people dying in The UK of a disease with a 0.4% fatality rate. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

This just goes to show what a great scare job the government has done when it makes people so fearful that they lose all rational thought.
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20%???? Stop watching the BBC. Now! :rolleyes:

13,200,000 people dying in The UK of a disease with a 0.4% fatality rate. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

This just goes to show what a great scare job the government has done when it makes people so fearful that they lose all rational thought.

If you spent a day in a covid ward maybe you would be more rational.
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