Council Tax - Get Ready For A Rant

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Sorry, that comment was about the initials "DLT", not the Council Tax issue.

So I complained to the council about the "inaccuracies". They answered. I was not happy. I complained to the Complaints Chief of the council.

He answered. I was not happy. I complained to the LGO. They answered. I was not happy.

Apparently, what the council are doing is fine. No problem.

Make of that what you will.
I recall when all this council tax caper came in (poll tax) people refused to pay up

and we all got a summons to appear before the beak at the local magistrates court. there were so many people there was not enough room in the court waiting area must have been over 200 people there on that day. council paper pushers had a temp office setup in the court building :)

prior to going into the court building there were people there with clip boards , telling every one not to cave in & if we all stick together there was nothing they could do a sort of strength in numbers strategy ? :)

turned out to be a load of cobblers out of the 200 that turned up , only 4 of us told the council to stuff it

Me , my mate his brother & some bloke who did not turn up :LOL:

So much for all sticking together :LOL:

some while after that the bailiffs turned up :eek:
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So, now you're against the British ruling class making their own rules.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
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I resent paying even one penny primarily because almost everything in the UK minus the NHS has been privatised anyway and the council have been allowed to subby out most of their responsibilities to private company's anyway. In fact in some cases if you phone a council you'll get through to some other company completely. Having been to other countries the corruption is much easier to see and people get unhappy more quickly and usually people are held to account. In the UK we seem to just accept the corruption but i can say having travelled to central Europe amongst other places where the healthcare system works and the transport systems are cheap and efficient the UK is one of the most corrupt places on earth and we are being shafted daily year in year out.
I resent paying even one penny primarily because almost everything in the UK minus the NHS has been privatised anyway and the council have been allowed to subby out most of their responsibilities to private company's anyway. In fact in some cases if you phone a council you'll get through to some other company completely. Having been to other countries the corruption is much easier to see and people get unhappy more quickly and usually people are held to account. In the UK we seem to just accept the corruption but i can say having travelled to central Europe amongst other places where the healthcare system works and the transport systems are cheap and efficient the UK is one of the most corrupt places on earth and we are being shafted daily year in year out.
Great speech swampy.(y)
Your fellow travellers must be proud.
Great speech swampy.(y)
Your fellow travellers must be proud.
I think swampy would be preferable to a stupid barking dog on a chain happy to feed off the scraps thrown at it from its masters, which is what you are. Sadly many have about as much foresight as you which is why the uk was allowed to become the sh1t hole it is today.
i can say having travelled to central Europe amongst other places where the healthcare system works

Having worked in several places in Europe I will agree that Health Care does work. But having paid the insurance premiums for that health care in two of those countries I do think the UK NHS provides good service for the money that UK citizens pay to finance it. The UK NHS can be abused by people who have not paid for it. Similar abuse cannot happen in other countries where no personal health insurance means no treatment other than basic life saving procedures.
Having worked in several places in Europe I will agree that Health Care does work. But having paid the insurance premiums for that health care in two of those countries I do think the UK NHS provides good service for the money that UK citizens pay to finance it. The UK NHS can be abused by people who have not paid for it. Similar abuse cannot happen in other countries where no personal health insurance means no treatment other than basic life saving procedures.

You pay a bit more if you use t more. Nobody i know has a problem with that. You get a service quickly. Diagnostic tests within a week. The NHS is a bloated corrupt mess all the doctors driving a Lexus and nobody getting seen for months or years and when you get to see a doctor they are usually shyte. You mention the US where they leave people who cant pay in the street to die, so we should be greatful its not that bad. I can travel across country in Europe for 3 quid. In the corrupt sh1thole UK its thousands because all the networks are controlled by private companies only interested in their profit and salaries. None of the money is put back into the service. You have to leave the UK to realise how bad we have it.
Having worked in several places in Europe I will agree that Health Care does work. But having paid the insurance premiums for that health care in two of those countries I do think the UK NHS provides good service for the money that UK citizens pay to finance it.
Surely any insurance premium is less than what we pay in N.I. and tax.

The trouble with insurance is that you may not be able to get any.
Got a Council Tax Reminder Notice today, delivered at 9.30am.

First rant, it is dated 24/05/16 and I am given 7 days from that date to sort it out. Since it was only delivered today (Saturday) and Monday is a Bank Holiday, that only leaves 1 day.

Second rant, they are saying I have not paid my bill "up to 15/05/16". My bank tell me that the council themselves set up the DD in March 16 and have failed to even attempt to withdraw funds.
This is great. It's the Council's fault that the bill remains unpaid, yet I get a heavy-handed letter threatening a court summons?

Third rant, I go on their website to try and let them know. Everywhere on the site it says "contact us electronically and it will cost us less and your query will be dealt with quicker..." but when it comes to CT bill queries "Please ring us on XXXX XXX XXXX".

Please allow me a huge loud frustrated "ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!"

sorry but i haven't read the posts only yours and had the exact same situation but i didn't see the letter till later , but i will say that they will send the bailiffs with nearly double the costs but not tell you it has been passed on . they are a law to themselves the cheeky fookers and they don't give a fook .
just pay it now and deal with it later but don't expect to get back back quickly , 4 months in my case even then they wanted to put it towards the next bill :rolleyes::mad: . there contact operation is a fooking joke as well ( ringing here and there , answer machines and fooking waiting , 38 mins in my case on one of many calls ) but must say it all depends on what time of day you ring, first thing in morning is best but also depends who you get as well :confused::confused: . i feel your frustration mate and feel sorry for the people who haven't actually got that money to pull out all at once .
What really got my goat was being threatened with a court summons after 7 days when I legally have 14 days to pay.

Never mind that the reason I did not pay was because the council set up a DD but failed to take the money out of my account...

The council and the LGO think that the summons threat is a perfectly acceptable thing to happen.
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