Albanian migrants, enough is enough?

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16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
Here's my stance on folk coming to live in this country. I'm all for it when folk come in through legal processes and have something positive to contribute to our society. For example, was watching a tv prog about fishing and one of the skippers was saying if it wasn't for foreign labour he wouldn't have enough crew to go to sea due to locals increasingly not wanting to do this type of work. Fine, Mr/Mrs foreigner, in you come.

I'm also fine with us taking in people that are genuinely fleeing a horrendous situation e.g. war-torn country and where the UK is the nearest safe haven for them.

However, are you seeing the reports about the number of Albanian males now coming in illegally to the UK? They reckon it's approx. 1-2% of the entire Albanian male population! Nothing to do with fleeing persecution or anything like that, the entire thing is coordinated and planned, going into crime related activities once they're here.

At long last, the services tasked with managing these situations are saying they are swamped and things are out of control. And the bill is estimated to be around £7 million a day to house them? (that might be all migrants.)

What a complete joke. The management of the whole migrant thing has been a farce for long enough now. It's one thing to have folk coming in that are maybe in need of our help and are maybe genuinely fleeing something horrendous, however when it's blatantly obvious none of that applies, why the feck aren't we doing more to tackle it?

p.s. please don't be a muppet and ask me to cite my sources, there are numerous articles about this across the media. Google is your friend if you want the proof.

p.p.s. please try to keep the thread 'locked' free by not posting things you know might lead to this!
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! Nothing to do with fleeing persecution or anything like that, the entire thing is coordinated and planned, going into crime related activities once they're here.
These people are professionals when it comes to immigration law.
Quote from Albanian Daily News...
The unprecedented surge in Albanian arrivals is due to new tactics by human trafficking gangs in the Balkans and weaknesses in Britain's 'modern slavery' laws, sources said. Once they arrive in Great Britain, Albanians claim that they have been trafficked or exploited, making it more difficult for them to leave
The UK is a magnet for foreign crime gangs due to the black economy and lax immigration laws.
Britain was a safer place when some countries were securely behind the Iron curtain.
The fall of the Berlin wall wasn't just a disaster for Putin and his mates.
It is no coincidence that since the collapse of the Soviet Union, living standards and the quality of life for people in Western Europe has plummeted.
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I'm also fine with us taking in people that are genuinely fleeing a horrendous situation e.g. war-torn country and where the UK is the nearest safe haven for them.
Well done...

Apart from the fact that you don't understand that the UK is no longer abiding by the Dublin agreement due to the nutcase brexiteers!

Care to explain why the numbers have increased since brexit?
Its not a toe hold the Albanian crime gangs have got in this country but the whole leg is in they are making an absolute fortune know a couple who are multi millionaires now after being over here about ten years fingers in a lot of illegal and supposed legit stuff to launder the money they are not to be messed with .
2% of the Male adult population are here. Some 50,000 people according the bloke in charge of tackling the problem. Thats something in the region of £1bn of cost to the Uk tax payer etc (repost from the other thread).

But lets not get too upset by the loss of Dublin 3. Some 200ish were returned under this agreement. It also places priority on "family reunion" above "first safe country" So it arguably made it harder to return people.
Well done...

Apart from the fact that you don't understand that the UK is no longer abiding by the Dublin agreement due to the nutcase brexiteers!

Care to explain why the numbers have increased since brexit?
With many, perhaps most things Ellal, I do not care to explain myself to you. Although I occasionally agree with stuff you post, more often than not I put you in the same bracket as Pat Ex. In other words, entering a debate with you is an exercise in futility.

Just resign yourself to the FACT Ellal, most of the stuff I post is based on solid rationale thinking. Not tree-hugging namby-pamby rhetoric that comes from folk like yourself.

When would the quantity of migrants coming in daily (through non formal routes) become too much in your view? 2k daily? 3k, 4k, 5k? Or would you be happy if any number from any country were pouring in. I'm asking that rhetorically btw, I don't intend to get into forum ping pong with you ;)
{Deep sigh} There is always one!

Does anybody from there claim asylum due to war.
Without questioning everyone who lives there its hard to tell.
I would imagine plenty of people would have need to escape war in Ireland..
Have you never heard of the troubles?
TezMay, I have you on ignore so if you're specifically replying to me, I wouldn't bother ;)
Said on the radio that dealing with these boat migrants is costing
6 million £ a day

Hotels are also full up with migrants

Burglary and house breaking rates will be on the up

Yes exactly

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