Ban the Burkha?

From what I've seen of Muslim women I'm happy that they wear a veil.

It's a long standing British joke that if you go out with an ugly woman you 'put a bag on her head'.

Maybe when they arrived they thought it was a serious directive? :LOL: :LOL:
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Where does it stop?

If you ban the full face veils, what will be next, ban hoodies. The infringement of state on our personal liberties and freedom is a slippery slope that I would be very hesitant to go down. Recently in the press, a ban was suggested to be un-british and I agree.

Although we have no written constitution, we have a great tradition in this wonderful country of freedom of expression, speech and religion. I may not agree with everyone's point of view must we must not loose the freedom for people to express them.

Too much power in the establishment's hands leads to a misuse. Look at the "Stop and Search" laws. Freedom comes at a price, sometimes it is almost intolerably high and my thoughts are with the victims of the tube bombings. However to clamp down on an individuals freedoms and civil liberties is letting the terrorists win.

When fear and hatred shape our actions and laws we have lost.
if they can have there face covered why can,t other people if they wish, i have to take my hat off for an offical photo
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No, but he can be a Syria aas icon_lol.gif ( in a chinki accent)

What type of Chinese you got the Dark ones from Jamaca man.
You must get very confused with your carry outs :D
This bloody woman should have had her head took off for this and they call it manslaughter :mad:
At least the burka wearers have never done this sort of thing, in Europe there has been a string of cases of baby killing, are these some sort of devil worshippers ? Capital punishment for them I say :evil:
Where does it stop? If you ban the full face veils, what will be next, ban hoodies. The infringement of state on our personal liberties and freedom is a slippery slope that I would be very hesitant to go down. Recently in the press, a ban was suggested to be un-british and I agree. Although we have no written constitution, we have a great tradition in this wonderful country of freedom of expression, speech and religion. I may not agree with everyone's point of view must we must not loose the freedom for people to express them.
But the point about the Burkha is that it represents the complete antithesis of freedom of speech and expression.

You may as well say that it would be fine to force women to walk around the streets wearing wooden medieval stocks around their necks.
You may as well say that it would be fine to force women to walk around the streets wearing wooden medieval stocks around their necks.
That just proves my point your just being medievalist, I mean a woman walking the streets. Who let's theirs out of the kitchen?
You may as well say that it would be fine to force women to walk around the streets wearing wooden medieval stocks around their necks.
That just proves my point your just being medievalist, I mean a woman walking the streets. Who let's theirs out of the kitchen?
Quite right - what was I thinking? Deepest apologies ;)
Where does it stop? If you ban the full face veils, what will be next, ban hoodies. The infringement of state on our personal liberties and freedom is a slippery slope that I would be very hesitant to go down.
it's a proposed ban on the Burkha, not a licence to keep banning things..

Recently in the press, a ban was suggested to be un-british and I agree.
But isn't the Burkha and the Muslim religion, traditionally 'un-British'?

Although we have no written constitution, we have a great tradition in this wonderful country of freedom of expression, speech and religion. I may not agree with everyone's point of view must we must not loose the freedom for people to express them.
... no matter how extreme the views? for example the BNP and Abu Hamsa?

Too much power in the establishment's hands leads to a misuse. Look at the "Stop and Search" laws.
I've never been stopped or searched.

Freedom comes at a price, sometimes it is almost intolerably high and my thoughts are with the victims of the tube bombings. However to clamp down on an individuals freedoms and civil liberties is letting the terrorists win. When fear and hatred shape our actions and laws we have lost.
With respect, your comments sound to me like the fears of someone who doesn't like authority...almost a paranoia?
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