Farage sorts out Andrew Marr

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15 Apr 2012
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United Kingdom
Just watched the Andrew Marr show, I think Marr regretted taking on Farage, Farage showed him up for the left wing toadie that he is. The repeat is on BBC parliament at 7pm this evening.
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Just watched the Andrew Marr show, I think Marr regretted taking on Farage, Farage showed him up for the left wing toadie that he is. The repeat is on BBC parliament at 7pm this evening.
This is the sort of post that you get from people who are either deniers of truth and facts, or so intellectually challenged that they simply do not understand truth and facts.
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All that we saw was Garbage refusing to answer direct questions...

Kinda sums up the quitter mentality!
Are you johnd?
Good grief.

Is there no limit to the number of hard-of-thinkings here who are so bemused by the concept that more than one person might challenge their uninformed dribblings that the only way they can get their head round it is to assume that there must only be one person, using multiple IDs?
This is the sort of post that is a pointless waste of a keyboard from a pointless person..

donrkebab appears to be complaining that his post is insulting!

What do you call a person who writes an insulting post and then complains that it is insulting?
I watched it and garage made a complete tit of himself. If you google you will find that most newspapers refer to his interview as a "meltdown"

Incidentally did you hear about farage's (man of the people) chauffeur driven 4x4 hitting another car and forage leaving the scene?
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