ideal mini combi boiler c24/c28 - can't find loop fill

10 Nov 2010
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United Kingdom

i'll be the first to admit that i suck at DIY, so i desperately need your help please.

my boiler is firing for ca 10 seconds, then goes off. after some initial reading, i decided to bleed the radiators and managed to get lots of air out of one. i then fired up the heating again, only to later realise that the pressure was unusually low - in fact 0 [normallyl around 1-2].

so i've done some more research and now reailse i have to repressurise the boiler... but cannot find the filling loop. i've checked the manual, but there's no information in it. i've had a look, and found what looks like a filling loop under the sink. i tried to turn it, but didn't do anything, it did however sound like water was going somewhere hehe (not sure where though).

any ideas? i understand it's a legal requirement for this filling loop to be disconnected after use, so i doubt it's the right one anyway (unless the installers are cowboys... woudln't be surprised).

i've attached some pictures to make things easier.

many thanks!
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black knob at the back above the socket(nice!!) it may take a while for it to register on the guage,or the guage might be blocked.turn it for 10secs and i should start to move.
black knob at the back above the socket(nice!!) it may take a while for it to register on the guage,or the guage might be blocked.turn it for 10secs and i should start to move.

many thanks for your reply. i did turn it all the way up without adjusting any other valves... water seemed to go through iniitally for about 5 seconds, then it stopped making noise altogether... no pressure changes noted on boiler. i wasn't sure it was working, so i just stopped... surelyi should hear water running through it? or should i let it run anyway (eventhough it's not making noises?).

thanks again

ps. what are my options if it's blocked?
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yeah, probably is crap - not that i would know the difference. i guess i have to get someone to come in for this after all.

bah, thought i was on to something... :C
if you can get to it
remove the screw from the top of the black handle remove the handle

try and turn the spindle of the valve with a wrench (go steady tho)

it's nothing unusual with these type of fill loops ;)
turned it again today am, a tiny amount of water came through (sound) - by turning the black valve/handle. then stopped again. i guess it must be blocked or stops somewhere... but i cannot see any other valves... apart from these blue ones... could it be one of these? or will i have to open other valves perhaps? there's a blue and a red...
Its no longer a legal requirement to disconnect the filling loop.

On one end of the filling loop is obviously the valve with the black tap, on the other end it of the loop at the other valve, have a look under neath it and see whether there is a slotted screw looking adjustment as they also need twisting (with a screw flat headed screw driver) to open that valve. By looking at the pictures, i can be 100% sure if it does but IF it does, they installer hasnt made things easy by placing the valve adjustment on the under side, directly above that copper pipe.
i'll try when i get home, and keep you posted...

thank you all so much for your responses/input.

ps. do i need to turn off the boiler completely? ie disconnect it from the mains?
update. looks like this is an install that wants you to call out an expert to do something fairly simple... looking at it now, it appears it needs a special screw (hexagonal in shape). great can't do anything...

thanks though

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