labour cost- house prices.

The point I'm trying to make is, do you think labour costs she be alot higher than they are,as to most people owning ones own home is about making ones life alittle easier when they get older, not having to pay rent.
I see alot of work going on in someones second house which they have brought to do up and sell, being able to borrow money because of there equity, and they want the job done and pay you as little as possible.
You might have children of your own, are they going to be living with you in there thirtys +. Wages have not kept up with house prices.
I agree with you freefly your time is the most precous thing you have and its sold too cheaply.
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Hi nstreet, you forgot to mention the cost of putting a roof over a familys head, not to much to ask.
So, if you have half a dozen kids you are going to charge more than the guy who only has two kids!. You cant base your labour rates on your outgoings.

There are going rates for most trades, you would be stupid to exceed these, your business will suffer. How do you explain to your customer when he asks, "why so much?" I know what I would say to you.

You made the choice to have a family, how many children you have is up to you. If your current job will not support the family then you have to find one that will or have a smaller family.

You cant penalise others for your life choices.

Sorry to sound harse, but I think your agrument is weak.
Market forces gents.

As for the aggro of pi zzing around with part P's and the like, those of us who can afford may say 'fk it I'll spend on something else .. as long as I conform to law, sod the modifying and impulse spend !'

Equity in house does not necessarily = high income, which is where the council tax falls down -- Maybe it should be based upon what one actually paid for the property ? --- One size rarely fits all !!
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Richardp said:
Sorry Adam mate, I dont wont you getting all shook up,I didn't know you made the rules here, take some deep beaths "little man" hardly, its little men that lose their cool!!!

You patronising piece of sh*t. Would love to give you a shot at the title :LOL:
We all have at least one customer who boasts about how much money they have then moans about the bill. That's the reason they have the money in the first place.

Then I have little old dears or poorly paid families wanting to give me substantially more than my invoice total "Are you sure that's enough?" They don't have it to spare...

Many customers say "How much?" in reply to my rate. They forget that tax, NI etc have to come out and that you work not just at their house, but put in paperwork at home in relation to their job.

My reply is "And how much do you earn, Dr. X?" Or to a shopkeeper, "What is your daily turnover?" They soon back down.

Similarly people who cry "How much?" in response to the estimate:

My reply, straight back to them is "How much are you prepared to pay for that job?"

That makes them think. Ususally I walk out the door, with "Wait!" ringing in my ears......

Why is there a plane emerging from an egg in this thread? shouldn't it be in the creme egg thread? :)
Thats old SS making a rapido exit !! Probably with the ink still wet on the cheque ;)
Young in ears, but old in life !! ;)

Dash for the cash, before the fuse blows --- "D'yu laike that ?" As Fred said ! ;)
AdamW said:
For chrissakes Richard, pi** off you boring little man! Can we have one, just ONE thread where you don't get all Ben Elton on us. Please, keep the political debate to the political threads. This is about labour costs, as in pounds per hour, not about what Labour has cost us.

I have never resorted to posting like this before, but you really are starting to grate. I've mentioned whinging socialists before, please prove me wrong by by being a socialist who DOESN'T whinge and whine about the Tories all the time. Your lot has had two terms in power, you can't blame the Tories any more!
is it really two terms,doesnt time fly when your having fun :D
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