NEWSFLASH -sue grays report!!

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Lets see an investigation into corruption or misspending of public money etc
You mean like rushing through unvetted contracts to Tory chums - i.e. giving a multi million pound deal to pub landlord who as luck would have it, set up a PPE supply business a couple of days before the contract dropped onto his lap?
They tried that but the bloke investigating is another Tory chum. Another sleaze watchdog investigator that would like to look into Tory corruption has been told she's not allowed to. And we have a pathological liar as our PM who gives not a chuff about UK laws, decency or honesty.
You mean like rushing through unvetted contracts to Tory chums - i.e. giving a multi million pound deal to pub landlord who as luck would have it, set up a PPE supply business a couple of days before the contract dropped onto his lap?
They tried that but the bloke investigating is another Tory chum. Another sleaze watchdog investigator that would like to look into Tory corruption has been told she's not allowed to. And we have a pathological liar as our PM who gives not a chuff about UK laws, decency or honesty.

That's fine I'm all for accountability and culpability, why aren't the press persisting with serious allegations like this? Is a secret birthday party or the thought of privileged white tories laughing at us over a glass of port enough to enrage you?

Again just to show you're not just biased who should replace Boris? Come on don't run away now, come back and embrace this flag with me, ignore the scratchy bits theyll come out in the next wash :sneaky:
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Again just to show you're not just biased who should replace Boris?

I suspect it's dawning on the Tories it would be very difficult to replace him, certainly to replace him with an election winner. I suspect it's dawning on voters that the likely alternative to a Conservative Govt would be a Labour SNP coalition, can't imagine that being much fun.

What is fun, is seeing the tide of public opinion slowly ebb back in favour of Johnson because they're actually starting to sympathise with him because of relentless onslaught over people are starting to grasp as being 'trivia', FFS they're even trying to nail him for 'fat shaming'.

Every time I ask them who should replace him they run away. You bunch of lilly livered yellow chickens.
Liz Truss blows £0.5m on a flight so she can return quickly if needed. ;) sorry Filly somebody somewhere doesn't fancy her as PM.

Personally I have been wondering when and if the police investigation will have some effect on the release of Grey's report or maybe it's content..

:mrgreen: Also wondering if the CPS will decide there is insufficient evidence to prosecute. Also what a judge might think about it if there was.
The lamest point score - take a quote and chop it appropriately to make it look out of context. And follow it with 'dummy'.

Fest - what you doing on here mate you're better than this.

dont let people get you down

I mean lets face it apart from you me and few others the rest are a bunch of dead beats and no hopers :ROFLMAO:

fruit cakes imo

we all need to stick together or the lunatics will take over the asylum :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
it's dawning on voters that the likely alternative to a Conservative Govt would be a Labour SNP coalition, can't imagine that being much fun

Starmer would be an adult in charge

instead of an incompetent liar
What is fun, is seeing the tide of public opinion slowly ebb back in favour of Johnson

No they arent, Johnson has lost all credibility and he wont get it back

Labour want him to stay leader as long as possible because he is now a liability.

and this Conservative party are facing the greatest inflation rise in 40 years
The next major scandal is this rescuing cats and dogs caper from Afghanistan :ROFLMAO:
The next major scandal is this rescuing cats and dogs caper from Afghanistan :ROFLMAO:

C4 went through the "evidence" if I followed it correctly the OK came from the PM's office and permeated down through the system. Boris wont be the one to sign it. So why not say what idiot ok'd that.
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