People who don't vote should shut up about politics

Why is voting non of the above not giving an opinion, it's a valid as anything else?
because it doesn't actually answer the question "who should be in government?"

If the question that we were trying to find the answer to was "who SHOULDN'T be in government" then yeah it would work, but the country NEEDS a government, so they would just go with whatever candidate had the most your vote in affect would count for nothing.

It answers the question perfectly, non of the above. Have another think, come up with something I am prepared to vote for. "You NEED a government?" do you?
yes we need a government. name me one successful country without a government.

I think your problem is you expect others to do everything and you just sign it off..who are you asking to "come up with something I am prepared to vote for" ? There is not a 'them'.
These are just people with views. Just vote for the one that is closest to your own, if there isn't one, stand yourself. If you can't be bothered to have an opinion then don't. Simples
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Hypothetical scenario:
Labour win an election by 20,000 votes and gain power.
That night up and down the country there are a total of 21,000 Tory voters who didn't bother to vote.
If they had voted their party would have won.
Using that scenario by not voting you have influenced the result so you're entitled to a view and voice it.

Only in the same as not giving to charity has influenced the amount they raise.
You wouldn't then go around saying "I helped to get to that total!".

All you would have done is 'decide' to let other people decide for you.

You have decided whether you would vote or not but you haven't decided who you want to run the country.
Two different decisions.
Hypothetical scenario:
Labour win an election by 20,000 votes and gain power.
That night up and down the country there are a total of 21,000 Tory voters who didn't bother to vote.
If they had voted their party would have won.
Using that scenario by not voting you have influenced the result so you're entitled to a view and voice it.

using any scenario you have a right to voice your opinion. the fact that schizo would have you 'shut up' for not participating is irrelevant to anything.
i'm still not sure, by his own doctrine, what gives him the right to voice so many opinions involving subjects in which he has not actively participated. (forces/paedo thread, etc?). i think he wants everyone to shut up so that they are better able to listen to him. the word 'Messiah' springs to mind.
That could well be true lifeasgasman,the battle fields of Europe are littered with bodies of allied servicemen and women, they died and along with the good folk who carried the battle right up to Berlin have aloud me and others an opinion and choice of if to vote or not,and by using that choice I've yet to meet the man or woman who will deny me that right and it certainly won't be some anonymous poster at the end of a telephone line.
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Hypothetical scenario:
Labour win an election by 20,000 votes and gain power.
That night up and down the country there are a total of 21,000 Tory voters who didn't bother to vote.
If they had voted their party would have won.
Using that scenario by not voting you have influenced the result so you're entitled to a view and voice it.

using any scenario you have a right to voice your opinion. the fact that schizo would have you 'shut up' for not participating is irrelevant to anything.
i'm still not sure, by his own doctrine, what gives him the right to voice so many opinions involving subjects in which he has not actively participated. (forces/paedo thread, etc?). i think he wants everyone to shut up so that they are better able to listen to him. the word 'Messiah' springs to mind.
I am NOT saying you have to be a participant on something before you can give your opinion, what I am saying is if you refuse to give your opinion, if asked, at the time the decisions are made, it is pointless to give them when it is too late to change anything.
That could well be true lifeasgasman,the battle fields of Europe are littered with bodies of allied servicemen and women, they died and along with the good folk who carried the battle right up to Berlin have aloud me and others an opinion and choice of if to vote or not,and by using that choice I've yet to meet the man or woman who will deny me that right and it certainly won't be some anonymous poster at the end of a telephone line.

Just so you know I'd never want to take away the righ to vote or not vote. I just think if someone chooses not to vote, that anything they have a politcal opinion on is moot.
That could well be true lifeasgasman,the battle fields of Europe are littered with bodies of allied servicemen and women, they died and along with the good folk who carried the battle right up to Berlin have aloud me and others an opinion and choice of if to vote or not,and by using that choice I've yet to meet the man or woman who will deny me that right and it certainly won't be some anonymous poster at the end of a telephone line.

Just so you know I'd never want to take away the righ to vote or not vote. I just think if someone chooses not to vote, that anything they have a politcal opinion on is moot.

you have no way of verifying that. it is possible for the finest political brains in existence to be non-voters.
Have'nt voted in the last 3 election's , probably won't in this one !
I am of the opinion that voting should be made compulsory , as in other country's in europe !! If you really want your vote to get noticed & enough do it vote for an extreme party , does not matter if they do not win the seat !!!! those in power will take note !!!!

So you want it compulsory...even though you can't be a***d to do it yourself...and voting for an extreme party (i am guessing you mean one of the rascist ones) is a good idea? The people in power will just take note that wanting to kick black people out of the country is what the public want...they won't 'hear' anything else.

Yes I believe it should be compulsory , but if it is made compulsory u should be able to cast a non vote & have it counted & recorded , my 92 year old aunt has voted in every general election since she was old enough , in all those year's her vote has never ever voted any one in , the fact that the party she may have voted for got in , is irrelevant , they did not get in on her vote !! Extreme party , why do u assume I mean a racist party ??? who said anything about kicking blk people out ??? :confused:
Just so you know I'd never want to take away the righ to vote or not vote. I just think if someone chooses not to vote, that anything they have a politcal opinion on is moot.

Absolute blarney!

The current political party menu does not cover all tastes. Fart from it.

However every voter is entitled to an opinion whether they vote or not.

There would need to be a seismic shift in policies to get me interested.
schizo has a tendency to invent things that posters didn't submit.

Bit like a veggie going into a harvester, and asked to choose betwwen the roast lamb beef or pork :LOL:

Well to the best of my Knowledge Sheep and cows are, Pigs will eat anything.

Probably best not bring up tactical voting :)
That could well be true lifeasgasman,the battle fields of Europe are littered with bodies of allied servicemen and women, they died and along with the good folk who carried the battle right up to Berlin have aloud me and others an opinion and choice of if to vote or not,and by using that choice I've yet to meet the man or woman who will deny me that right and it certainly won't be some anonymous poster at the end of a telephone line.

Just so you know I'd never want to take away the righ to vote or not vote. I just think if someone chooses not to vote, that anything they have a politcal opinion on is moot.

you have no way of verifying that. it is possible for the finest political brains in existence to be non-voters.

...moot doesn't mean wrong or bad, it means "of little or no practical value"
Just so you know I'd never want to take away the righ to vote or not vote. I just think if someone chooses not to vote, that anything they have a politcal opinion on is moot.
What about if you have no confidence in any of the parties putting themselves forward on that ballot paper? To vote would be to put yourself in a position of being a hypocrite. In effect, your vote would mean that you have no right to complain, since your action has contradicted itself.

Think skitz, that this is edging towards that reductio ad absurdum case ;)
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