Putin solves another problem

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
A certain amount of ill-feeling has arisen in Russia, due to large numbers of dead soldiers being brought back from Ukraine, where they have been "on holiday" with the insignia removed from their uniforms and vehicles.

"Russia 'lost 220 troops' in Ukraine - Nemtsov report"

"Russian state television channels have for the first time reported on the funerals of Russian troops who fought alongside pro-Moscow rebels in eastern Ukraine.

The broadcasts repeated the official line that the troops are "volunteers" or travelled to Ukraine on leave rather than in any official capacity."

Some families have even complained about the deaths of their sons and husbands
"Our cameraman was knocked to the ground and beaten.
The attackers grabbed the BBC camera, smashed it on the road and took it away in their getaway car. "

However, Mr Putin has now put a stop to all that.
He has signed a decree to make losses of Russian troops in peacetime a secret.
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Control of the media, arrest and imprisonment of any who speak out, continues.
Maybe they need to be controlled.

You know that you have seen, and said, things that are not in accordance with government statements.

Neither you nor the author has been shot, imprisoned, or fallen out of a window.
Vinty. Letting his inner fascist dictator out since 2018.
You know that you have seen, and said, things that are not in accordance with government statements.

Neither you nor the author has been shot, imprisoned, or fallen out of a window.
If there is so much state control of the media in Russia, how come the BBC was allowed to broadcast over there until recently.
The problem could be cultural, the BBC and other news outlets routinely lie to their audiences, they seem to believe that this type of behaviour is the accepted norm everywhere else in the world.
Thousands of casulties

Dead and wounded are being shipped back to Russia ?? Increasingly difficult to hush it up

As some one ounce said ( Churchill ?)

You can fool all of the people some of the time , but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time

Something like that any way ??
Thousands of casulties

Dead and wounded are being shipped back to Russia ?? Increasingly difficult to hush it up

As some one ounce said ( Churchill ?)

You can fool all of the people some of the time , but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time

Something like that any way ??
It is possible to cover that stuff up, especially in Russia.

Look at the sinking of the Moskva. According to the Russian MOD there was one fatality. Other estimates say more than half the crew died.

If anyone in Russia knows the true value then they can't tell anyone as it would be contradicting the MoD and therefore lying about the war, which is punishable by 15 years I believe.
One of the reasons why Russia pulled out of Afghanistan in the '80s was public protest, particularly the mothers of dead servicemen who had a strong voice in those days. Today the Russian mums/widows can be jailed for protesting. :(
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