The Real Anthony Fauci

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So you think they made pennies from sales of Ivermectin?
per dosage in relation to money made from covid cures yes its tiny . Its now out of patent and has been for a long time so the vast profits are not there even as far back as 1987 they were giving it away in the millions of doses to africa to help the poor you know people not horses
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so you think the way doctors prescribe statins at the drop of a hat has nothing to do with the bonus they get ;
Yep you keep saying horse worming tablets and ignore the fact they have been administered to humans for decades
Doctors get paid a fee for every covid vaccine administered. I cannot remember the figure, but when you consider that some GP's surgeries have 10,000+ patients it will be a significant amount of money.

And it ties in with the immigration racket...

Doctors get paid a fee for every covid vaccine administered. I cannot remember the figure, but when you consider that some GP's surgeries have 10,000+ patients it will be a significant amount of money.

And it ties in with the immigration racket...

Wife`s surgery has 47,000 patients now thats a lot of money
Ain't that the truth, we can fit you in for jabs cos they're a moneyspinner, anything else and it's get in the queue.
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The conspiracy theory that Invermectin was suppressed because there was no money to be made but Dexamethasone was allowed is just stupid.

It's even more stupid when you realise that people did make lots of money on Invermectin, just not ethical doctors or the companies manufacturing it.
It's even more stupid when you realise that people did make lots of money on Invermectin, just not ethical doctors or the companies manufacturing it.
So the company who were making invermectin and who were now getting 2,2 billion for a new wonder drug were not making money out of invermectin . Glad we cleared that up
So the company who were making invermectin and who were now getting 2,2 billion for a new wonder drug were not making money out of invermectin . Glad we cleared that up
That's just gibberish. Take a breath and try again, or don't, we both know you won't listen to anyone else on this.
A whole three weeks it lasted.

Three weeks! I thought it lasted longer before the combination of science, the WHO and India's own medical boards got them to realise it was wasting important medicine to achieve nothing.
So you are saying that Molnupiravir is a wonder drug. Glad we cleared that up...
said nothing of the sort getting paid to develop one and actually achieving it is completely different
Damn you science for showing both expensive and inexpensive drugs may not work!
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