
11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Mrs Secure works with young people getting job placements.
A lot of these are at places like McD's, PizzaHut etc...

She often has to spend a long time at these places and always asks them to tell the parking company not to send a parking fine.

Sometimes, they slip through the net and she gets one in the post.

She's had a few of these now and a pattern is emerging.

She only gets the second letter, which explains she has been written to before, but has not responded, therefore she is not entitled to a "discount" on the fee and has to pay up promptly.

They also claim to be "operating in accordance with the British Parking Association's code of practice".

Yet we know full well they have never sent her the first letter they claim to have. This is so they can bypass the "discount".

We all know these companies are shysters, but, having had several communications with the BPA over the years (both by phone and in writing) about this behaviour, I am wondering why they don't drop these shyster companies like hot cakes?
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Because the parking companies will get money from some who will not challenge the fine and decent firms will cost McD' etc more money because of their integrity.
Once a company hands over/sub-contracts parking responsibility to someone else they simply wipe their hands of any problems. This means any complaints have to be dealt with outside of the business, which usually means phone calls/e-mails/letters etc. Not their problem.
She does not recognise their contract or terms of service and disputes their claim. She acquired a licence to park directly from the landlord/agent, who should have notified them.

Perhaps the first letter from the landlord to them went missing in the post? Either way - not her problem.
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