Did US cause the Haiti earthquake?

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yes it is a real question. Im curious to hear your thoughts on them using it.
At the end of WW2, I think the Americans were justified in using the A Bomb. Opinions differ on whether Nagasaki was necessary. Quite a few people at the time thought the Japanese would have capitulated within a couple of days. Biggest problem I see with WMD these days is, these Middle Eastern countries trying to develop them (or not). There's a few presidents that way, who wouldn't think twice about dropping them on Israel and sod the consequences. But,,,, That's another arguement for another day me thinks.
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The dropping of the atom bomb, was the biggest crime ever commited against humanity.

I'm not as well read up on this as maybe I should be, but to my (limited) knowledge, Hiroshima was not a military base.

Oops, a bit of research indicates that I may not be entirely accurate.
The reason for the two bombs was purly experimental, the locations were chosen for their different topographical features.
yes it is a real question. Im curious to hear your thoughts on them using it.

Do you doubt that it was a war crime that has not been matched in modern times and that for this evil they should be held accountable?

AN EXTRACT; Yamaguchi described injured survivors in the aftermath of the atomic bombs. Yamaguchi called the victims "ant-walking alligators" who "were now eyeless and faceless—with their heads transformed into blackened alligator hides displaying red holes, indicating mouths. [...] The alligator people did not scream. Their mouths could not form the sounds. The noise they made was worse than screaming. They uttered a continuous murmur—like locusts on a midsummer night. One man, staggering on charred stumps of legs, was carrying a dead baby upside down"END.

Imagine for a minute that it was you in the description at the end, you might not ask questions like that again.
If no one had sympathy for you, it would be OK. Just as you show none now.
No point arguing this really as better people than me have failed to convince some of the depravity of it, so I can't hope to do so, and I accept that fact, regardless.
Wars are horrible, and peoples do horrible things to each other. Now I'm not trying to justify the use of the Atomic bomb, but what about the argument that it's use may well have finished the war a lot quicker and possibly with fewer lives ultimately being lost and/or destroyed? The Japanese themselves weren't exactly as pure as the driven snow (if you want proof of this, read "The Rape of Nanking") and indicated a disregard for life. Further examples of this include the use of suicide aircraft bombers.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but maybe (very tentative here :confused: ) in the long run, this solution was potentially the lesser of two evils.
I wonder what this fella thought about it.


I'm no yank lover, and no doubt there was a certain element of "let's see what these can do" behind the decision to drop the bombs, but there would have been very many americans killed if they had invaded the japanese mainland. So by forcing them to surrender they probably saved as many of their own lives as they killed of the japs......Besides, they asked for it, they were the cruellest of the cruel by all accounts and made the nazis look like schoolyard bullies.
Wars are horrible, and peoples do horrible things to each other. Now I'm not trying to justify the use of the Atomic bomb, but what about the argument that it's use may well have finished the war a lot quicker and possibly with fewer lives ultimately being lost and/or destroyed? The Japanese themselves weren't exactly as pure as the driven snow (if you want proof of this, read "The Rape of Nanking") and indicated a disregard for life. Further examples of this include the use of suicide aircraft bombers.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but maybe (very tentative here :confused: ) in the long run, this solution was potentially the lesser of two evils.
What an absolutley hypocrytical answer.
'Wars are wrong' then down to the correct level and 'It was the lesser of the two evils'. Wrong is wrong and if you don't see it it's cos they call the evil they do protecting your liberty and freedom, and give us what they want us to know in the media.

Don't you see , justify all you want of the evils commited , but for how long cos they are still being commited.
If you meant that in the long run it saved the world from the evils of the Japanese, then why has the US since it's inception continually waged WAR to gain the UPPER hand for it's national interest?
And continually developing new and worse weapons of mass killing/destruction.
Different cultures have different outlooks on life, it's impossible to generalize, for some the divine sacrifice, is a honour.
How much longer would WW2 have gone on , without the A Bomb?.
OK it's a weapon of mass destruction and killed thousands at one go,,,.
But Newgas, what about the British destruction of Dresden? Are you going to argue that bomber command should have not done this? Do you condone the Nazi bombing of Coventry during the war?

During war, atrocities happen. How long do we have to keep on apologising for the past?
Who's generalising? The japs were a right shower of bstrds, and had it coming. Ask all of the other south east asians who they terrorised and subjugated.
PS Newgas, had the Germans won the war in Europe,, Do you think you'd have the freedom to post on this forum??
Somehow I doubt it.
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