burden of proof?



a bit of an emotive subject, but atheists seem to have this one sewn up... anyone care to "put into context" the argument against atheism?
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well i guess it's a historical context.

Science, as it was, was only understood by a few. Most people illiterate so couldn't work out things for themselves. And a 'command and control' system which was set up by the politicians of the day, who were called The Church.

Those who argue against atheism tend to be more comfortable with how it was done in the past, I would say.
Strangely a new 'church' is evolving....

Making no reference to God and claiming to have Sunday Assemblies they have the ethos that a positive attitude and pleasant outlook is more important than believing in any particular god or even any god.
They dont claim to be ardent athiests either .

Which kind of matched a view I had a few years ago.

I started a facebook page under the premise of adding a letter o to the word god creating good.

The premise being if you behave in a good way and if you check your actions and always try to be good then it would be a better world.

Yesteday on Jeremy Vine they had the leader of this new 'godless religion but in a good way'(my description) being interviewed and as an opposite speaker they had some ardent church going woman who asked very rude questions in a very rude way that summed up pious attitude of the church without her realising how sour she sounded.
What do you do for charity etc
etc etc etc

I have always thought avid church goers are the same people that push in queues and never let you out at junctions in your car and have a kind of 'blue rinse mafia' arrogance about them. The same people doing a bring and buy with cheery faces are also arrogant and condescending at times as this woman was.

I think humanity is sinking right now through lack of proper control and leadership. The whole world is being ruined through each persons own ambitions and selfish needs taking prescedence over any concern for anyone else. It's an extremely selfish place.
Ironically the human rights act and racial equality laws while not the root cause are definately accelerating the process.
Blind acceptance of something just because it is written down without an ability to question it has been proven time and time again to be wrong.
In that sense the human rights act is no different to the bible or the quoran.

Time people started questioning everything and simply ask - did I do good there?
That's nothing new. buddhists have been thinking that way for years. it's just being packaged and sold by a new lot, no doubt for a profit
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I am an atheist. I see no value in any religious belief, but that is just my opinion. In my view, organised religion came about as a means of controlling people: far more persuasive than laws and punishments, in those days, was the threat of being sent to hell.

If people find some sort of comfort in believing in this or that god/supernatural being, then that is their choice.

I believe there are good people and bad people in all spheres of society and all religions, although it sometimes seems that some religions are blessed with more bad people than good!
Bad news about god I'm afraid...

She's black!
Blind acceptance of something just because it is written down without an ability to question it has been proven time and time again to be wrong.

Sounds a bit like how the internet has become for some !
If people find some sort of comfort in believing in this or that god/supernatural being, then that is their choice.

I get that.... but i don't get millions and millions of, well educated, people who's lives are controlled fully by the words in a fairy tale novel.

....and they can prove nothing, whereas science can disprove a lot that's been proffered from said book !
If people find some sort of comfort in believing in this or that god/supernatural being, then that is their choice.

I get that.... but i don't get millions and millions of, well educated, people who's lives are controlled fully by the words in a fairy tale novel.

Me too. I wonder whether many of them do it out of a sense of duty or public expectation. The Queen, perhaps?
MDF i too was listening to that,AND totally agree with your thoughts over her attitude,i thought the guy was very excited in what he was trying to put over and as a personal opinion good luck to them.
it sounds like a refreshing approach to get the helpfulness and respect back into everyone's thoughts and actions.
If people find some sort of comfort in believing in this or that god/supernatural being, then that is their choice.

I get that.... but i don't get millions and millions of, well educated, people who's lives are controlled fully by the words in a fairy tale novel.

....and they can prove nothing, whereas science can disprove a lot that's been proffered from said book !

Its because you've come to a conclusion based on a false assumption.

The false assumption is that the fairly tale has been disproved.
Leaving the miraculous and creation account to one side.
Time and again the archeological historical accuracy of the "Fairy tale novel" is beyond question and been proved over and over again to be true.
Occasionally archeology has disagreed and then as more information has come to light had to change its view as the "Fairy tale was right after all.

The Hittites is one examle, there are many.


"Before the discoveries, the only source of information about Hittites had been the Old Testament (see Biblical Hittites). Francis William Newman expressed the critical view, common in the early 19th Century, that, if the Hittites existed at all." Quoted.
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