Firage v Clegg - EU Debate

14 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
I can see why Firage won yesterday's debate by a landslide. Clegg played the typical professional politician by being 'Anti Firage' throughout, rather than putting forward his 'Pro-EU' case.

Roll on the May elections as UKIP is going to give the major parties a rather large boot up their backsides!!
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None off the main parties have addressed the immigration issue.
All afraid of being labelled racists.
The roma and Bulgarians are flocking to the uk in their tens of thousands now.
A new city the size off Manchester capable of being created every four years and filled with enough low lifes to make the real Manchester look like paradise.
Nigel Farage is a breath of fresh air in politics. He is actually somone who held down a successful career before politics, rather than being a professional politician. He's a very sharp bloke, who has guaged perfectly people's disillusionment with mainstream politics and politicians.

I like his no nonsense approach, straight talking and direct approach. Some of his exchanges on Youtube with people like Van Rumpoy are not only hilarious, but hit the target and perfectly expose the useless placemen shining the ar$es of their expensive suits in the EU parliament.

Farage is a normal human being, not some polished, stuffed-suit politician, churned out with the right degrees from Oxford. He likes a drink and a fag, and is the sort of bloke who would be great company for a few jars in your local. Unfortunately, he's pretty much a one-off in the sterile, image- managed world that is politics today.

Haven't seen the debate, but will make a point of doing so.
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If speaking the TRUTH about immigration is being racist, then millions of us in the UK are racist. We're letting all this lot in that have done nothing for us, yet people from countries who shed their blood and gave their lives helping us during conflicts etc over the years, are no longer welcome here. :evil:
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As you say, our Nigel is a breath of fresh air to the political arena. He certainly tells it like it is and pulls no punches. No doubt, hangeron will be along shortly to accuse Farage of xenophobia and homophobia (apparently it's one of UKIP's hidden agenda's, according to hangeron's posts on another thread) ;) ;) ;)
If speaking the TRUTH about immigration is being racist, then millions of us in the UK are racist.

Well said that man. I honestly think Nigel is only saying what a hell of a lot of UK citizens are thinking. I also believe our government don't know the true immigration figures (or if they do, will not tell the general population the true extent) ;) ;) ;)
I did a small repair for a little old lady today who wasted no time telling me she was voting UKIP and why. She was hardly some rabid old racist but would no doubt be labelled a daft old bigot by the likes of Brown and his supporters.

She is just one of many who no longer believe our politicians act in the best interest of anyone other than themselves.
The UK is the only country in Europe where the Roma are actually WELCOME.
In every other country they are treated like vermin.

Of course they won't come here to get a free house, health, benefits, new teeth, etc.

Why ever do you think that they will? :rolleyes:
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The UK is the only country in Europe where the Roma are actually WELCOME.

Right from school, kids are now brainwashed to be non-judgemental and accept that their country, and all it had to offer, has been virtually given away.

People in this country are either educated to accept what's going on or scared to object because our 'leaders' have created an environment where dissenters are smeared and villified. They're made to feel like old fashioned, bigotted dinosaurs if they don't go along with the lies that everyone is the same and multiculturalism benefits the UK population.

They've created a kowed population, who are too busy desperately trying to survive economically that they either no longer care or notice what's going on.
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There's no doubt that Nigel Farage has easily wiped the floor with Nick Clegg on both occasions. Of course, Clegg at least had the gumption to agree to a face to face debate.

The impression I get is that quite probably the majority of people in this country want a change and see UKIP as offering that. Logically, if that is the case, UKIP should take almost every seat in the country.

Unfortunately, I agree that that is highly unlikely, and the reason is that Con-Lab-Lib rely on lazy people's indolence and sheeple's continuing to vote for XXX 'because they always have done' or 'because my dad voted for them'.

Yes, of course we are destined to get another self-serving government (of whatever colour) just like the one we have now. When that happens, it will be no good bleating about how bad they are: you should have voted for UKIP.

We get what we deserve.
There's no doubt that Nigel Farage has easily wiped the floor with Nick Clegg on both occasions. Of course, Clegg at least had the gumption to agree to a face to face debate.

The impression I get is that quite probably the majority of people in this country want a change and see UKIP as offering that. Logically, if that is the case, UKIP should take almost every seat in the country.

Unfortunately, I agree that that is highly unlikely, and the reason is that Con-Lab-Lib rely on lazy people's indolence and sheeple's continuing to vote for XXX 'because they always have done' or 'because my dad voted for them'.

Yes, of course we are destined to get another self-serving government (of whatever colour) just like the one we have now. When that happens, it will be no good bleating about how bad they are: you should have voted for UKIP.

We get what we deserve.

Lots of comments there about how bad immigration has been for UK, etc.
I can't respond to all the posts so I'll restrict my response to a single post.

If UKIP were the largest party in the next parliament, I'll happily sit back and scoff at your short and narrow views.
Income tax: flat rate to all, irrespective of income.
NHS: devoid of immigrant labour and serious shortages of staffing.
Crops: rotting in the fields because they're not harvested.
Health: NHS reduced and replaced with private health insurance.
Local Authority amenities: privatised. Refuse collection, housing, landscape and parks, leisure, libraries, parking and fines, all privatised.
Education and Childcare: increase in private provision and reduction in childcare facilities.
Immigration: rich and powerful immigrants welcomed, irrespective of how they gained their wealth and power.
Social Welfare: drastic reductions.
Laws and Justice: Homophobia and racism discreetly ignored. Gay Marriage abolished.
Smoking laws abolished.
Politics reduced to personal insults and character assasinations. (OK, they already are!)

The best part about TV debates is not about who won or who lost. It's about the discussion of the parties policies, especially when a party is so reluctant to discuss it themselves.
I wouldn't want the next UK PM to be the best TV personality.
I certainly wouldn't want a far-right party to have any representation in parliament and fortunately, they currently don't have any representation. Only in EU and local councils. So far the only impression that they've made is due to their vitriolic outbursts.
The roma and Bulgarians are flocking to the uk in their tens of thousands now.

Really?? You have figures to support this?

What about the Brits who are flocking to Spain, approx 1 million people costing Spanish health services 3 million euros a year.

Farage may be a better tv personality, that's all.
The roma and Bulgarians are flocking to the uk in their tens of thousands now.

Really?? You have figures to support this?
Of course he doesn't.
I appreciate that you're a newbie on here. If you'd been more aware of Norcon's comments you'd appreciate that he plucks figures out of the air without any thought to their validity.

Next time you read one of Norcon's opinions, read it in the fantastagorical spirit that it was posted.
Or should that be phantasmagorical?
Farage attracts an audience because of a single populist issue.

The rest of what he stands for is dangerously right wing!

Having said that none of the turds standing for election now or in the past 30 years or so are worthy of my vote either!
None off the main parties have addressed the immigration issue.
All afraid of being labelled racists.
The roma and Bulgarians are flocking to the uk in their tens of thousands now.
A new city the size off Manchester capable of being created every four years and filled with enough low lifes to make the real Manchester look like paradise.

Aye, nearly as many as the English white settlers moving into the highlands of Scotland.
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