News clips of Corbyn at the labour part conference

7 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
The Crowd euphoria reminded me of a Nazi rally it really did !

Just like the nazi crowds swooning at Hitler !
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Watching his speech on TV, there were elements of the crowd applauding at every statement. As the camera panned the audience it was clear that 'senior personalities' would suddenly join the applause, thus not to be seen as being indifferent. Reminded me of news media coverage of North Korean rallies.
that's nothing

just look at the cheering crowds surrounding Theresa at one of her photo-ops!


the "public" are outnumbered by staff and media.
Its easy for Corbyn to preach platitudes as he doesn't need to deliver them..........yet!
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And just look at the enthusiasm when staff at her local toothpaste factory were ordered to meet her!

Just read a comment on the labour party conference that confirms something rather disturbing.......

A cheer went up from the conference floor every time action against anti-semitism was attacked ........they're more like nazis that I thought original comment was more on the imagery being like a nazi party rally ....not on the content.......but this revelation is shocking Blair and his cohorts weren't like this.
it would be shocking if it were true. But we've seen your record on made-up smears. What was the source of this smear?

Please point out the cheers you think were in reaction as you describe.

Start here:
coincidentally, a UK survey on anti-Semitism was published this month, and you may have seen comments on it. For some reason I have not been able to trace the survey itself, to see what questions were asked, and the breakdown of responses.

I was however interested to read in "The Times of Israel" that:

"Following two years in which the opposition Labour party has faced sustained criticism for its perceived failure to tackle allegations of anti-Semitism within its ranks, the study also explores attitudes towards Jews and Israel on the left. Under its far-left leader, Jeremy Corbyn, Labour polled 40% in May’s general election, while winning the backing of only 13% of Jews.

Despite the heightened tensions between the community and Corbyn’s supporters, the research indicates that levels of anti-Semitism on the left – including among those who identify as “very left-wing” – are no different from the population more generally. Instead, the most anti-Semitic group is to be found on the far-right, where anti-Jewish attitudes are two to four times higher than among Britons as a whole."

So I find it curious that the vociferous RWRs on here are trying to point the finger at Labour. I expect it's just because they like to attack Labour and are assuming, or perhaps hoping, that nobody will check if they are telling the truth or not.


Despite the alarming gossip you may have seen, I was relieved to read that:

"“Seventy percent of adults in Great Britain, given multiple opportunities to even mildly agree with an anti-Jewish view, do not do so,” he suggested. “And much of the remainder would likely recoil at any suggestion that they are anti-Semitic, and be highly apologetic if challenged by someone who took offense,” says Boyd."


"The report indicates that Holocaust denial is endorsed by only a small minority of Britons: 2% agreed that the Holocaust was a myth and 4% thought it had been exaggerated."


"The study, conducted by both face-to-face interviews and online polling, suggests that an open dislike of Jews, combined with developed negative ideas, is confined to no more than 2.4% of British adults. A further 3% are termed “softer anti-Semites.” They endorsed fewer, but still multiple, statements that are generally perceived by Jews to be anti-Semitic."

I guess we'll have to try to keep that 5.4% in check. As they are predominantly among the RWRs, we know where to look. Not unlike those who are obsessed with Muslims.
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