Free British passports handed out to illegal immigrants at Calais

7 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
Sacre Bleu !!!!!!! The French to produce British passports

Now that France wants rid of economic migrants I can imagine the french handing them out at Calais........

What's wrong with bloody civil servants are they just idiots ? Why not use the British company ??????

Surely it's not down to cost if it is it shouldn't be .........sign the Soddin petition !!!!!!
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Brexiteers must be spitting out their croissants this morning.

Even their 'bleu document of hope' is not to be made in the country they're apparently 'taking back'!

The work of Cambridge Analytica was oh so simple given the 'fodder' they had available to work on ;)
Brexiteers must be spitting out their croissants this morning.

Even their 'bleu document of hope' is not to be made in the country they're apparently 'taking back'!

The work of Cambridge Analytica was oh so simple given the 'fodder' they had available to work on ;)
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France will only be manufacturing the blank passport document. The personal information will be retained by UK and printed in UK. Those who question why France are manufacturing the passport should also ask why UK firms lost the bid. Why can't UK firms offer value for money?
Those who question why France are manufacturing the passport should also ask why UK firms lost the bid. Why can't UK firms offer value for money?

Which begs a further question.

How do brexiteers think UK firms can compete in the new global trading 'utopia' that their unicorns tell them will exist for the taking?

They really didn't think this one through did they!
Which begs the final question. The current EU passport could be blue, the EU never stipulated a colour.

A large part of Malta's economy is based on dishing out pass ports , to who ever can afford them ;)

I see euro sceptic Mr Corbyn has sacked one of his front bench team (remoaner)for not following the party line
A large part of Malta's economy is based on dishing out pass ports , to who ever can afford them ;)

I see euro sceptic Mr Corbyn has sacked one of his front bench team for not following the party line ;)
For someone who has, in the past, admitted to never owning a passport, you claim to have intimate knowledge of the passport industry.
For someone who has, in the past, admitted to never owning a passport, you claim to have intimate knowledge of the passport industry.

well yes way r bee :LOL:

who has never owned a pass port ? I bet u keep yours handy at all times ;););) just in case ;););)

any way I have to go now way r bee , got to put the washing machine on . Some of us do own one you know ;):LOL:
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It's all well & good saying De La Rue should be printing our passports, but they print passports & banknotes for many other country's , so what if those country's decided to print their own ? Trade works both ways, & the country is skint, so as the saying goes, every little helps.
Why can't UK firms offer value for money

It's cheaper from abroad since the pound lost value, that's all. Most countries feel passports need to be produced at home to stop any security issues, so ignore EU open tender rules.
It's cheaper from abroad since the pound lost value, that's all. Most countries feel passports need to be produced at home to stop any security issues, so ignore EU open tender rules.

You made that analysis using what? So tell me why is it that previous passports were made by German companies and US subsiduaries.
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