200 Schools considering cutting hours to save money

This will have a real impact on the economy - many mums work, putting kids in after school club is affordable, but all day child care will mean more people quitting work.
School days should be longer really, to support working parents better, they shouldn't be cutting them!
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Schools are there to teach children. They're not there to provide a free childminding service.
Schools are there to teach children. They're not there to provide a free childminding service.

So now your against working parents.

Parents pay for after school clubs, parents who work rely on this, but I suppose thinking isnt a strong point for you.
We should start by schools being allowed to teach only 3 kids per family max. Any higher and the family has to pay for their education. Only 2 if they are less than 10years resident.
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Schools are there to teach children. They're not there to provide a free childminding service.
After school clubs are not free. But they are cheaper than all day care. This will force struggling families to reduce work. Probably increase tax credits and benefit payments. And reduce teacher salaries, who already. struggle
Schools are there to teach children

Schools are there to teach children and so they should be fully funded so they can do so 5 days a week.

Its true they arent there to be childminders, but a side issue of closing Friday afternoons is that it will impact working parents.
Schools are there to teach children and so they should be fully funded so they can do so 5 days a week.

Its true they arent there to be childminders, but a side issue of closing Friday afternoons is that it will impact working parents.

True and I agree with that. What I don't agree with is this:

School days should be longer really, to support working parents better
When we decided to have kids, we discussed the practicalities and finance and my wife decided she would give up work to look after them. It was a financial struggle of course so we had little or no holidays and cut our cloth accordingly. How many of these 'struggling parents' these days have two cars, three holidays a year, Sky TV, a mobile phone each etc etc? My wife didn't go back to work until the youngest was 10 years old and even then, she took poorly paid jobs that were geared around the school hours and school terms. On several occasions she left her job at the beginning of the 6 weeks holiday and looked for a new one when they went back to school. At no point did we ever think it was the state's responsibility to look after our children while we worked.
At no point did we ever think it was the state's responsibility to look after our children while we worked.

although the state does very kindly provide education and, in your day, family allowance and other assistance to parents.

It even rebates the income tax on money you pay to private schools. UK independent schools receive approximately £100m tax relief. This is of great comfort to the more prosperous who need it most.

Sorry, I mean, least.
What about if those teachers that are working longer days are parents too? What happens to their kids?

Teachers already work long days. Their kids will be looked after by the school that they go to. If teachers could get all their paperwork, planning and marking done in the school, many (most maybe) would be happy with that. Maybe if schools were open til 5.30pm, teachers would have 2.5 hours to get stuff done, kids could be looked after by dedicated staff (MDAs who are already trained and vetted could get extra work) and people will not need to leave work early.
When we decided to have kids, we discussed the practicalities and finance and my wife decided she would give up work to look after them. It was a financial struggle of course so we had little or no holidays and cut our cloth accordingly. How many of these 'struggling parents' these days have two cars, three holidays a year, Sky TV, a mobile phone each etc etc? My wife didn't go back to work until the youngest was 10 years old and even then, she took poorly paid jobs that were geared around the school hours and school terms. On several occasions she left her job at the beginning of the 6 weeks holiday and looked for a new one when they went back to school. At no point did we ever think it was the state's responsibility to look after our children while we worked.

Same here. We struggle. We are only having 4 nights away this year as a family (two weekend breaks). All other holidays are childcare.

But why? Schools shut for 6 weeks in summer, traditionally so kids could help bring the harvest in. That is a huge headache for parents. Kids don't need 6 weeks off - many fall back during that time. School is 39 weeks a year, with 13 weeks off. Min. legal holiday entitlement is 20 days a year, 4 weeks.

We could change the system so it is better for all. Better for the kids, better for teachers and better for parents. The current system puts huge pressure on everybody.
that's right.

And I replied.

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