Post-colonial guilt stops UK helping Christians who are being persecuted around the world, bishop sa

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
As i was perusing my bible the Daily 'Single white' Mail I came across this. Hmm post colonial guilt now that rings a bell.

A feeling of 'post-colonial guilt' and the idea that following Jesus is 'an expression of white western privilege' has hampered the UK in helping persecuted Christians, a bishop says.

The Right Rev Philip Mounstephen, the Bishop of Truro, said Britain had 'something of a blind spot to the persecution of Christians', adding there was a 'real reluctance to see a religious component' in some parts of the world suffering with violence.

In an interview with The Times, before the Easter Sunday Sri Lanka bombings, the bishop, 59, said: 'There is a lot of post-colonial guilt around a residual sense that the Christian faith is an expression of white western privilege.

I can think of a handful of you on here who are most definitely not Christians then.
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Thats all gone over my head (n)(n)

Ive never heard of post colonial guilt........
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Ive never heard of post colonial guilt........
Quitters don't suffer from such an affliction...

Because they still believe the 'great' british empire days are about to come back again :LOL: