I was the sole survivor of the Kingsmill massacre

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Uk being out of EU

The UK will always have close trade links with the EU.
We will never be out.

Just with a worse deal than we have now.

Youve been conned by Rees Mogg and his mates - Brexit will make them richer and you poorer.
They will get you to vote them and then they will laugh at you for being a mug.

You moan about the EU but you cant give 1 reason how it has done you anything but good.
It is impossible actually...

Unless of course they also leave the EU...

But they're not so stupid as to do so!
To renogotiate an agreement,, oh yes completely impossible
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Well lads,,,,and Notchy,,thankyou for the witty chat(mainly by me)..But must dash, off on hols to Europe, ,annoy some foreigners!!..Be back in time for 31st Oct,divvent worry.Stay happy.
Oh yes,,,keep IRA happy....first priority.
You are being silly.

How is Honest Bozza doing finding that alternative to the Irish border situation? You know the one that is preventing your precious Brexit from happening? the one that Bozza insist is the UK's responsibility and one that he'll find in 30 days?

Honest Bozza lol.
Well lads,,,,and Notchy,,thankyou for the witty chat(mainly by me)..But must dash, off on hols to Europe, ,annoy some foreigners!!..Be back in time for 31st Oct,divvent worry.Stay happy.

Hey Durhamplumber, enjoy your holiday.
Beach or cycling?
Fillybot on the other hand wants to spend the time arguing whether its explicitly written in the GFA or not rather than debating something with a point.

Notch, ellal clearly stated that no hard border was a key part of the GFA, it's not, If you're going to argue that it is, show me, reproduce it on here, can't be hard can it?
The GFA simply calls for de-militarisation of the border area.
Please don't insult my intelligence by claiming what the 'spirit' of the GFA 'suggests' or 'might imply', lets just deal in acts shall we?
So, is 'no hard border' a 'key part' of the GFA, yes or no?

The reason is that 'no border' is a compromise in the good friday agreement that helped stop the violence...
N.I. is thus still part of the UK, but there is nothing official/physical that effectively partitions the North and the South.

What on earth are you dribbling on about man?, there has never been a hard border between the North and South, not since partition in 1921, it's been a 'common travel area' with various other 'freedoms and rights', for a brief period during the 'troubles' military checkpoints were installed at various points, even then the border was effectively porous, how do you suppose it was so easy for arms and munitions to be fed into the North?

IRA terrorism isn't driven by the Brexit debate, whether the UK is in or out of the EU has no bearing on the potential for terrorism.
Do you really believe the IRA will go to war on behalf of the EU?

Many a true word spoke in jest Vinty, I suspect Corporal Notch and Private ellal are enlisting as we 'speak'.:mrgreen:
Notch, ellal clearly stated that no hard border was a key part of the GFA, it's not, If you're going to argue that it is, show me, reproduce it on here, can't be hard can it?
The GFA simply calls for de-militarisation of the border area.
Please don't insult my intelligence by claiming what the 'spirit' of the GFA 'suggests' or 'might imply', lets just deal in acts shall we?
So, is 'no hard border' a 'key part' of the GFA, yes or no

You are correct, hard border was not explicitly mentioned.

But your win is only pedantry, its a hollow victory.
Any sensible person could see putting a hard border between 2 nations that used to fight is only going to escalate violence.

And yes no hard border is clearly in the spirit of the GFA.
Only a numpty would suggest otherwise.
there has never been a hard border between the North and South,

You are correct, hard border was not explicitly mentioned.

But your win is only pedantry, its a hollow victory.

A win is a win.

Any sensible person could see putting a hard border between 2 nations that used to fight is only going to escalate violence.
Which begs the question why would the EU even contemplate it?
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