I was the sole survivor of the Kingsmill massacre

Yes, its quite clear you are wrong.
The Crown Solicitor's Office in Belfast advised the government that a no-deal Brexit would breach the Good Friday Agreement
That advice would have to be tested in court, the Crown solicitors office isn't fit for purpose, it has been politicised by the influence of Irish Nationalism.
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That advice would have to be tested in court, the Crown solicitors office isn't fit for purpose, it has been politicised by the influence of Irish Nationalism.

In your opinion, or is it like people claim the BBC is biased.

All irrelevant anyway, people that argue a hard border wasnt in GFA are only provingnit is not explicit.

A hard border is clearly against the principle of the GFA....which is to avoid anything thst encourages a return to violence.

Sticking a border up is not conducive to maintaining peace.
Lets try another angle.

On the occasion of the UK leaving the EU, how many existing agreements will be nullified?

Can we keep any of these agreements by threatening violence?

As I said, if Scotland - or Exeter - threatens violence, will brexit be abandoned?
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To make it work after brexit
Make what work?

You do realise that it is an internationally brokered peace treaty, signed by the Irish and British governments.

And thus to 'tweak' anything, both governments would have to agree.

And the Irish government can't do that.

Jeez, we know that quitters are thick...

We just didn't know how thick!
dum has nothing adult to say so throws in infantile nonsense by the bucketful.
and think it justified and use it as a reason to stay in EU
No, but a good enough reason to keep the backstop arrangement until such times as Bozza and co can come up with an alternative.
How are they getting on with that by the way?
No, but a good enough reason to keep the backstop arrangement until such times as Bozza and co can come up with an alternative.
How are they getting on with that by the way?
Oh yes,,,keep IRA happy....first priority.
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