So more Austerity! Boris wants more cuts to services

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

I thought brexit was going to unleash Britain after we get all that money back. Ha what did people expect. Well we have to pay for the big corps somehow. (y)

But wait on didnt Saj declare the end of Austerity.

The government has declared it has "turned the page on austerity" as it set out plans to raise spending across all departments.

So to RWR, lies do matter, now who will you blame this on? Yourselves hopefully, you suckers.

Boris Johnson has ordered all cabinet ministers to identify cuts of at least 5 per cent to their Whitehall department budgets, telling them to consider axing programmes that do not improve health, fight crime or tackle regional inequalities.

A letter jointly signed by the prime minister and chancellor Sajid Javid tells ministers that budgets remain extremely tight, even after a decade of austerity in public services.

Cabinet ministers have been told to identify possible cuts of at least 5 per cent in their day-to-day current budgets and to name 10 projects that could be scrapped in this autumn’s comprehensive spending review led by the Treasury.
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£350 million per week to the NHS
40 new hospitals
50,000 new nurses
1 million extra doctors appointnents
20,000 extra police
Social care for ekderly to be sorted.

Mmmm I wonder
So a Tory manifesto is just aspirational, its a pledge not a promise.

Yet Labour manifesto will bankrupt the country which implies they will fulfil their promises but not only that are competent enough to implement them.

So people prefer pledges that wont be implemented by incompetent leaders.
"We never said £350 million to the NHS"

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The country needs to weed out all. The work shy spongers in society hence austerity

The country needs to weed out all. The work shy spongers in society hence austerity


Cool you mean all those kids in school.

Time we went full on child labour, only private school kids are allowed an education.

Just look how far you have come in life without ever having been to school.

These pesky pensioners bloody retiring when they should be working.

From 6 till 60, I say start them young and end them early, after 60 no more NHS you bloody scroungers.
Cool you mean all those kids in school.

Time we went full on child labour, only private school kids are allowed an education.

Just look how far you have come in life without ever having been to school.

These pesky pensioners bloody retiring when they should be working.

From 6 till 60, I say start them young and end them early, after 60 no more NHS you bloody scroungers.

Well. A bit OTT but hey ho. U make a fair point
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