This is a given: from 1st Feb, Leavers will start using this argument

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15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Yup, Brexiters will use lack of sudden adverse consequences as validation

... ...while not telling you this is only because of very transition arrangements they opposed as long as possible.

Just wait and see (y)

Truth is, transition arrangements saved Brexiters from themselves

Lets have some guesses which Tory MP comes with this crass stupidity first.
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Yup, Brexiters will use lack of sudden adverse consequences as validation

... ...while not telling you this is only because of very transition arrangements they opposed as long as possible.

Just wait and see (y)

Truth is, transition arrangements saved Brexiters from themselves

Lets have some guesses which Tory MP comes with this crass stupidity first.

Well, I was wondering which poster would be stupid enough to put a slant on how things might be alright but only until the end of the transition.
I knew you'd win Notchy, good man.
Don't worry remainers, Brexit isn't really happening!

It is Brexit in name only, just as the ruling party is conservative in name only.
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From tomorrow we are all Leavers. Any Remainers not onboard with the Brexit train, need to become Joiners. Its done. Now is the time to make it work.

@noseall - We leave tonight. The next 11 months is a transition period.
From tomorrow we are all Leavers

Yes indeed. In exactly the same way that the anti-Europeans have, for the last 47 years, become pro-EU and worked ceaselessly to make it a success.
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