Are you ready for 1st January?

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The vast majority of Brexiteers are old.

These same people know nothing about the Single Market or its benefits
And they haven't bothered to learn about it in the last 4 years

Repeating the same arguments without not the sign of a wise person.
Remind us all again, how did you vote in the 2016 referendum?
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The vast majority of Brexiteers are old.

These same people know nothing about the Single Market or its benefits
And they haven't bothered to learn about it in the last 4 years

Repeating the same arguments without not the sign of a wise person.

When you vote in a general election (and you win :p); do then get suited up to go to the house of Commons? Or do you just get on with life and go to work?
EU membership not a disaster at all......decades of neo liberalism by domestic politics that you voted for has been the disaster. But the Tory party blamed somebody else and you fell for it.

But were you not a Tory voter once upon a time? So you would have voted the same as Motty

But were you not a Tory voter once upon a time? So you would have voted the same as Motty




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It's quite clear that the older demographic who voted predominantly to leave couldn't care less about the younger generations...
"Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they will never sit in"

You’d do well to learn that.
"Society grows great when old men...
But not when they don't care what damage they do to their nation, and future generations.
Will there be a trade agreement?
Don't care.

What are the "New Rules?"
Don't care.

Will there be tariffs?
Don't care.

What regulations will apply?
Don't care.

What forms will you fill in to import or export?
Don't care.

Will Johnson breach his "Oven Ready" Withdrawal Agreement?
Don't care.

We'll be out. That’s all I care about and that’s all I voted for.
But not when they don't care what damage they do to their nation, and future generations.
Read the title of your own post. I don’t care what happens on 1st January because whatever happens then, it won’t stay the same and will only get better. I do care what happens in the years afterwards.
I voted to leave

But I've learnt something in 4 years

You are stuck in 2016 repeating the same twaddle.
Didn’t you bother to learn anything before you voted then? A bit late afterwards wouldn’t you say?
Read the title of your own post. I don’t care what happens on 1st January because whatever happens then, it won’t stay the same and will only get better. I do care what happens in the years afterwards.

That contradicts your post asking what excuses remainers will have when there is no chaos on 1st Jan.

Read the title of your own post. I don’t care what happens on 1st January because whatever happens then, it won’t stay the same and will only get better. I do care what happens in the years afterwards.

Jumping off a cliffm breaking bones and being paralysed doesn't mean you will be back to where you were before. Not even the Governments own assessments on the economy are showing that.

Blind Faith.
I do care what happens in the years afterwards

Clearly you don't.

If you did, you would care about the impact of leaving the Single Market.

But instead you lazily repeat the same Brexit slogans
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