Boris preparing to backtrack on his hollow promises.

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Buffoon Boris used to say "we will definitely leave, deal or no deal, on 31 October"

He's stopped saying it.

"reason is that getting out of the EU by that October 31 date is pretty much impossible. Mr Johnson has pledged to reopen the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement and revisit the Irish backstop.

But even if the EU27 were to agree to that, which they almost certainly won’t, any negotiation won’t be complete by October 31.

Mr Johnson could alternatively press ahead with a no-deal Brexit. But a majority of MPs in parliament will almost certainly stop that happening. And he himself recognises that “none of us wants a no-deal outcome”.

The reality is that Mr Johnson’s vacuity means we don’t know what direction he will take Brexit policy once in Number 10.

But as Ivan Rogers, the former UK ambassador to the EU, suggested in a speech this week, there are only four possibilities open to the next prime minister.

The first option is to stick firmly to the October 31 deadline for departure, recognising that “no deal” is the only outcome that can be delivered by that date.

The second option is to go to Brussels, make cosmetic changes to the Political Declaration that shifts the future UK-EU trade relationship towards a hard Canada deal (a harder type of Brexit) — and sell it with brio, charisma and bluster to MPs.

The third option is to go for another Article 50 extension and attempt a full-scale renegotiation of the Withdrawal Agreement and backstop, believing he can somehow pull off something that Mrs May couldn’t.

The fourth is to declare this autumn that he has been rebuffed by Brussels, call a general election and hope that a larger Commons majority for the Conservatives can pave the way to a no-deal Brexit that the Commons can’t stop."

Or, I suppose, there could be a vote of no confidence in whoever forms the government tomorrow, or next week, or next month.
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I think Boris was forced to adopt a less than absolute position on Brexit by Oct 31 because Rory Stewart would have called him out on it, since it cant be done.

There is a bit of a feeling amongst remainers that Boris could try and argue for a 2nd ref.

Why? -because no deal means GE and a new deal cant be done by Oct 31st and no substantive changes can be made to May deal, before or after. The failure of those options will most likely mean a GE. Boris wont want a GE if at all possible so he might try a 2nd ref under his watch.

The only other option is a customs union Brexit with the Labour party.

Or I suppose the existing deal with confirmatory vote...........
I see Buffoon Corbyn had a party meeting about there position

Seems that buffoon Corbyn is still sitting on the fence :LOL: and no one is any the wiser

He should team up with buffoon Johnson

A sort of buffoon duet :LOL:
Dare say the award that Hamas gave buffoon Corbyn has pride of place on his mantle piece :LOL:
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