Fisheries minister did not read Brexit bill as she was busy at nativity

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

PM stands by Victoria Prentis over admission she was too ‘busy’ to read deal, as SNP calls for resignation

Downing Street has said Boris Johnson maintains confidence in the fisheries minister after she admitted not reading the post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels when it was agreed because she was busy organising a nativity trail.

Victoria Prentis faced calls for her to quit after the comments, but the prime minister is standing by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) minister.

Tory MPs now are showing so much contempt for the public they are just gaslighting now for giggles.

I like Bojo strategy, surround himself with utter garbage so he just doesn't stink that bad.:ROFLMAO:
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PM stands by Victoria Prentis over admission she was too ‘busy’ to read deal, as SNP calls for resignation

Downing Street has said Boris Johnson maintains confidence in the fisheries minister after she admitted not reading the post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels when it was agreed because she was busy organising a nativity trail.

Victoria Prentis faced calls for her to quit after the comments, but the prime minister is standing by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) minister.

Tory MPs now are showing so much contempt for the public they are just gaslighting now for giggles.

I like Bojo strategy, surround himself with utter garbage so he just doesn't stink that bad.:ROFLMAO:

At least she's showing a human side!
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PM stands by Victoria Prentis over admission she was too ‘busy’ to read deal, as SNP calls for resignation

Downing Street has said Boris Johnson maintains confidence in the fisheries minister after she admitted not reading the post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels when it was agreed because she was busy organising a nativity trail.

Victoria Prentis faced calls for her to quit after the comments, but the prime minister is standing by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) minister.

Tory MPs now are showing so much contempt for the public they are just gaslighting now for giggles.

I like Bojo strategy, surround himself with utter garbage so he just doesn't stink that bad.:ROFLMAO:

She might give Boris a good hiding!
i don't normally agree with much the SNP have to say, however i do think it rather ludicrous she didnt read the bill because she was "busy"

it wasn't like she didn't have plenty of notice that this would be a last minute thing and should have made time, it is her job at the end of the day.

i agree with brig that at least she is showing her human side, but really this cant be an excuse, how many days did the nativity last for?
Boris has had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for his ministers, because he sacked, deselected or forced into retirement most of the experienced and competent members of the Parliamentary Party.

He only has people who fully support his Brexit catastrophe, or pretend to.

That's why his ministers keep their jobs despite failing.
As a minister, she would have access to plenty of assistance to carry out her work, if she'd bother to ask.
...... not reading the post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels when it was agreed

Devil's advocate coming up......

1. If she had been told she had no say in it anyway, would there be any point breaking one's neck to read it?
2. "when it was agreed" ; allied with 1., is this necessarily an important deadline?
Absolutely, so she doesn't end up looking a right numpty for being uninformed.

The people who would do that would be the ministry she is responsible for. That's what all cabinet ministers are about, not themselves personally really. They are talking heads and f up from time to time as they are not using an autocue. The deal is the Tory's deal anyway so in some ways f all to do with her anyway so follow the party line.

;) If this was labour she would be shouting about it as members are often prone to do on all sorts.
Not really a story here. Sensationalist headline, detail is different.

On Christmas Eve the minister, who has organised the nativity play in her village church for the past 17 years, is understood to have been out of the house for only an hour and a half attending to the task.

During the rest of the day she read the briefing note on the Brexit deal prepared for her by officials, and held calls with colleagues. At 6pm she hosted a cross-party Zoom briefing, to which all MPs and peers were invited.

However, it was pointed out that the legal text of the post-Brexit deal was not published until several days later at which juncture Ms Prentis, a former Government lawyer, read it at once. She had been party to draft proposals on fisheries in the run up to the UK-EU agreement being finalised.
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