Poor white teens in 'left behind' towns not going to uni

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Poor white teenagers in England's former industrial towns and those living on the coast are among the least likely to go to university, warns the watchdog for fair access.

"These are the people and places that have been left behind," says Chris Millward of the Office for Students.

This is a travesty and needs to be addressed. University may not need to be the ultimate destination but the life choices and chances of young white teens in these areas needs to be addressed. Cuts to services and raising Uni fees has not helped. We need to do way more.
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Whilst this does highlight the inequity, I've never understood why the constant emphasis on the need to go to uni to have a decent future. Surely the huge amount of worthless degrees is testament to that.
does it matter if they are white or not?

i would imagine that people of colour who find themselves in the same place/situation will also have the same issues of likely not going to uni.

i agree with you that we do need to do more, however a lot of it is also down to the individual.

the individual doesnt have to mess about at school, they dont have to not do their home work, they dont have to sit on there xbox all day instead of looking for a job etc etc

we all have the power to change our lives, though admittedly money does tend to breed money
How would I know? Would you?
Probably, after all I'm awesome. But the beauty of statistics is that it lets us avoid focusing on annecdotes and see the big picture.

In my dream version of the UK who your parents are, or where you're born, or the colour of your skin wouldn't drop your chances of going to Uni from 50% to 13%. Maybe that's just me.
In my dream version of the UK who your parents are, or where you're born, or the colour of your skin wouldn't drop your chances of going to Uni from 50% to 13%. Maybe that's just me.
No, but you just have to put up with it if you are poor and white.
does it matter if they are white or not?

i would imagine that people of colour who find themselves in the same place/situation will also have the same issues of likely not going to uni.
The article says you're wrong, it does matter.

If you're BAME and on free school meals your odds aren't too bad, if you're white and on Free school meals then they are awful.

Something is clearly going wrong.
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