Just can't get the staff these days


17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
Financial Times: Britain's fruit and veg farmers cut 2022 planting after widespread waste.

The Guardian: Foreigners taking our jobs? Not much chance of that now.

Reminds me of my trip to Brighton - so many cafes and bars are advertising for staff and only partly open (one fish and chips shop i had the misfortune of going to had just the owner working, it was terrible!) because they didn't have the waitresses, bar star and kitchen staff they need to fully open.

Maybe this is why we imported labour in the first place?
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I don't believe I've ever heard anyone say "Foreigners taking our jobs" ..... Never.....
I certainly have. Well, they didn't say "foreigner", they weren't that polite.
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Financial Times: Britain's fruit and veg farmers cut 2022 planting after widespread waste.

The Guardian: Foreigners taking our jobs? Not much chance of that now.

Reminds me of my trip to Brighton - so many cafes and bars are advertising for staff and only partly open (one fish and chips shop i had the misfortune of going to had just the owner working, it was terrible!) because they didn't have the waitresses, bar star and kitchen staff they need to fully open.

Maybe this is why we imported labour in the first place?

Can't remember exactly what they said, long time ago in a bank in London.

I do remember of one fella saying we will fight them on the Beaches. It was Foreigners he was talking about.
I do remember of one fella saying we will fight them on the Beaches. It was Foreigners he was talking about.

I didn't realise you were that old, Bodd!
It's a popular Daily Wail trope.

And the Express too! Here's some good ones


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