Looks like there

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but childish brexit supporters arent man enough to accept the damage theyve done
Some may be...

"Voters now want to rejoin the EU, polls show, in evidence that goods shortages and spats with Brussels are fuelling disillusionment with Brexit.
A four-point surge in support for reversing the 2016 referendum means 53 per cent back membership in a survey by Savanta ComRes, with 47 per cent wanting to stay out of the EU."

Although it could or course be because that the demographics are changing...

The old brexiteers dying?

Either way, a politician will come along and go with the younger generation who want back in...

Maybe even borisconi, who only changed his mind to get into power on the back of the ignorant who were so easily manipulated to blame the EU for home grown problems!
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what a load of utter utter tripe

your hatred of the EU means you have lost all ability to think

EU has brought peace to Eastern Europe

you obviously think Putin the dictator is wonderful
Eastern Europe was peaceful until the fall of the Berlin wall, Tony Blair along with the EU opened the floodgates of mass immigration to the west, which has led directly to the problems the UK is now having to deal with.
Not content with this disaster, the EU then proceeded to agitate for the Breakup of Yugoslavia which led to civil war, they also supported the overthrow of the democratic government of Ukraine.
I am no fan of the Russians but historically i can think of no time when they have shown any interest in invading Britain, the same cannot be said about the usual suspects now running the EU.

Any organisation run by the Germans will always lead to conflict.
These people are refugees seeking asylum in the EU.
They are not civilians in the normal sense.
You're right, they're not civilians in the normal sense, they're ammunition for the likes of Lukashenko to exploit against EU.
Why don't the Poles allow these people to claim asylum and the problem would be solved.
Why doesn't Belarus give them asylum? They invited them into EU. Once they have been granted asylum in Belarus, they might have freedom to travel within the schengen zone.
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The trouble on the Polish border is the inevitable consequence of the EU trying to expand its influence over other nations.
By interferring in the internal affairs of Belarus the EU has created a very dangerous situation.
How has EU interfered in Belarus's internal affairs?
And how was it inevitable that Lukashenko would lay on planes and invite potential refugees into Belarus, with the promise of entering Poland?
Don't you think that the claim of Russian influence is being exaggerated by others in order to cover up their own failures.
Don't you think that the claim of EU influence is being exaggerated by others in order to cover up their own failures.
if the French f*** with the fish for too long, who's going to buy them or sell them,
The fish won't mind in the least.
It's the UK fishermen that will suffer.

will there be a war in Ireland because of a ridiculous EU protocol,
The NI protocol is helping to prevent violence in Ireland.
If the NI P is suspended, the resurgence of violence might be a possibility.

I would agree it's a ridiculous result of a ludicrous Brexit.
Yes the EU had 'empire building' ambitions and thought it would be clever to 'annexe' former Russian territories such as Ukraine, unfortunately, they are more than happy to s**t on them in return for Russian gas. Treacherous f****** and no mistake.
Countries have to apply to join the EU, and there are all sorts of hoops to jump through before an application is successful.

Empire building is when countries take over other countries by force, like British Empire took over other countries and ravaged them.
Like Russia invaded Eastern Ukraine.
You really are struggling with understanding the meaning of words. Is English your native language?

For your homework discuss the differences and ramifications between "membership by application of a trading bloc ", and "empire building".
Not content with this disaster, the EU then proceeded to agitate for the Breakup of Yugoslavia which led to civil war, they also supported the overthrow of the democratic government of Ukraine.
****ish nonsense!
The varied reasons for the country’s breakup ranged from the cultural and religious divisions between the ethnic groups making up the nation, to the memories of WWII atrocities committed by all sides, to centrifugal nationalist forces.

The 2014 Maidan revolution... took place in Ukraine in February 2014 at the end of the Euromaidan protests, when a series of violent events involving protesters, riot police, and unknown shooters in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of elected president Viktor Yanukovych, and the overthrow of the Ukrainian government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February_2014_Maidan_revolution
The EU agitated in the Ukraine

they were warned by the Russians

and others

any way we are were we are

thousands of Russian troops massed on the border

doubt there will be any military confrontation before christmas?

but in the new year all hell could
Break loose :idea:

oh well ***t happens
The EU agitated in the Ukraine

they were warned by the Russians

that's interesting

so you don't consider that Ukraine is an independent country with the power to make trade and co-operation treaties with others

you take Putin's and Stalin's view that it is a colony of the Great Russian Empire and must do as it is told

and its lands can be invaded and stolen on orders from the mighty Emperor.

Just like Poland in 1939

What can you tell us about the Holodomor?

Do you see Putin as a reincarnation of Stalin?


1939, Soviet invaders shake hands with their allies in Poland while dividing the occupied lands between themselves.

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that's interesting

so you don't consider that Ukraine is an independent country with the power to make trade and co-operation treaties with others

you take Putin's and Stalin's view that it is a colony of the Great Russian Empire and must do as it is told

and its lands can be invaded and stolen on orders from the mighty Emperor.

Just like Poland in 1939

What can you tell us about the Holodomor?

Do you see Putin as a reincarnation of Stalin?

dunno what you are on about tbh

Poland were treated appallingly after the war

The EU p***ed on a bees nest in the Ukraine
And when push comes to shove they will do nowt of any consequence apart from brown nose putin or make grandiose statements

imo troops should be sent enmasse to Ukraine and military hard ware

station tactical nukes in tbe Ukraine
**** putin
dunno what you are on about tbh

I am on about the mighty Russian Empire reverting to type.

Invading other lands

Back in 1990 we optimistically hoped those days had gone

Putin's empire is now polishing up the lies of Stalin's time

It is his ambition to recreate the Russian Empire.

See https://khpg.org/en/1608809553
"Russia calls Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939 a ‘march of liberation’

I am well aware of Russian aggression

Poland were left to
There fate after the war occupied by the nazis and than by Stalin’s red army

Churchill warned that stalin would occupy Eastern Europe if I recall it was him who coined the phrase
Iron curtain ??

it’s putins intent to bully previous Russian satellite states

fast track Ukraine into NATO ?
See which current nato / EU members are in favour ;)

an attack on one is an attack on all
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