Looks like there

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Haway man, subscribing to nosy's view that Boris and Trump are Russian implants, if Putin wanted to **** America up, he'd plant someone like Biden.
Trump was perfect for Putin. The nutcase is still rambling to this day and Putin is laughing his socks off. Trump has done irreparable damage to the US - bullseye for Putin and continues to do so to this day. Boris is cut from the same cloth - i.e. utterly stupid but needs more nurturing to completely ruin the UK's trust in Parliament. Bozzas trying his best though.(y)

Biden - lol. The dozy old crow can barely get out of bed in the mornings. Still managed to beat Trump with his eyes closed.
Haway man, subscribing to nosy's view that Boris and Trump are Russian implants, if Putin wanted to **** America up, he'd plant someone like Biden.

I think russian influence is in more than just elections, in fact elections are the obvious for them to influence and by all accounts Russia seems to have gone out of their way to get caught trying to influence elections, this is a ruse to deflect away from what they're really upto.

Divide and conquer is their game, whilst the world is divided and running threatening to shoot each other, shouting about the latest woke idealism trend, or threatening to cut of electricity supplies while stamping their feet cos they want fish, old Putin and China are sitting there smugly having a little chuckle... Probably passing some money between each other as a bet... A bit like that film from the 80:s with eddy Murphy, trading places I think it was, where the old boys bet a dollar what'll happen with certain scenarios...
I think russian influence is in more than just elections, in fact elections are the obvious for them to influence and by all accounts Russia seems to have gone out of their way to get caught trying to influence elections, this is a ruse to deflect away from what they're really upto.

You think this because it's what your MSM wants you to think.

If you search for & read up on "Steele Dossier" you might find the truth is slowly coming out.
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No. It was unarmed protestors. Transam said he would like to see the defenceless the old pensioners tasered.

Why don't the Poles allow these people to claim asylum and the problem would be solved.
The trouble on the Polish border is the inevitable consequence of the EU trying to expand its influence over other nations.
By interferring in the internal affairs of Belarus the EU has created a very dangerous situation.
I think russian influence is in more than just elections, in fact elections are the obvious for them to influence and by all accounts Russia seems to have gone out of their way to get caught trying to influence elections, this is a ruse to deflect away from what they're really upto.

Divide and conquer is their game, whilst the world is divided and running threatening to shoot each other, shouting about the latest woke idealism trend, or threatening to cut of electricity supplies while stamping their feet cos they want fish, old Putin and China are sitting there smugly having a little chuckle... Probably passing some money between each other as a bet... A bit like that film from the 80:s with eddy Murphy, trading places I think it was, where the old boys bet a dollar what'll happen with certain scenarios...

SX, it's well known the Russians have teams on computers all over facebook and twitter and various forums, probably a few Russian bots on here.
But here's the thing, everything and everyone is interdependent (including China to a degree) so don't worry about it, if Russia cuts off the gas for too long, who do they sell it to?, that's their economy sunk, if the French f*** with the fish for too long, who's going to buy them or sell them, will there be a war in Ireland because of a ridiculous EU protocol, there's lots of little games being played at the moment, but I'll let you into a little secret.

Everything's going to be alright.
It was in part the EU interfering that caused issues in the Ukraine
With the Russians
It was in part the EU interfering that caused issues in the Ukraine
With the Russians
Yes the EU had 'empire building' ambitions and thought it would be clever to 'annexe' former Russian territories such as Ukraine, unfortunately, they are more than happy to s**t on them in return for Russian gas. Treacherous f****** and no mistake.
Yes the EU had 'empire building' ambitions and thought it would be clever to 'annexe' former Russian territories such as Ukraine, unfortunately, they are more than happy to s**t on them in return for Russian gas. Treacherous f****** and no mistake.
what a load of utter utter tripe

your hatred of the EU means you have lost all ability to think

EU has brought peace to Eastern Europe

you obviously think Putin the dictator is wonderful
Everything's going to be alright

that is true -the idiots in charge now, wont be there for ever and the lies will end
and the UK will have a closer relationship with the EU and brexit supporters will stop spouting carp

afterall Trump the liar is history
will there be a war in Ireland because of a ridiculous EU protocol

nothing to do with the EU

everything to do with brexit

but childish brexit supporters arent man enough to accept the damage theyve done
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