New Covid rules for the UK coming into effect for...

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
...Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Nothing for England - yet! I've got my fingers crossed for a rebooked holiday we had cancelled this time last year. 11 of us are renting a farmhouse in the Peak District for a week starting on the 28th. If we can become 'one household' before anything happens we should be okay. I'd put our chances of going at 50/50 at the moment though. :cautious:
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100% going now. :)

Even if they said no household mixing tonight, by this time tomorrow our seven households would have been a single household for a good few hours. Hurrah!
There may be some in the new year. It's TBD. But recall parliament and etc , if needed things thanks to the system will just carry on as they were for .............. who knows.
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It's wearing to turn on't telly and see Saj saying words to the effect that it looks like Omi might not be too bad.
Some of us were precient enough to see & say that on 7th Dec 3 weeks ago.

The strain on normal life now is looking to be more from the number of people having a week off work. USA is reducing isolation requirement from 10 days to 5. Makes sense.

Looking again at South Africa, there is now a small uptick in the ICU/Ventilated numbers in Gauteng, though, dare I mention, unvaxxed. 110 in a region with population 12M isn't high.

Sure, reduce risks of transmission wherever possible, but there is a vision of people hiding away so they don't meet other people in case they make them also hide away, from something from which they aren't sure whether they have to hide away.
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A reported Covid death is someone dying from ANY cause within 28 days of a positive test.

Not quite, but nearly. "Of" and "with" are reported differently based of the death certification to the best of the doctors knowledge.
Let's keep in mind that England is out of step with the other three home nations, and most of western Europe.
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some nhs bloke on the radio this morning any one going to hospital is tested for covid

covid may not be the reason they went to hospital ;););)

turn up with a broken leg or what ever and you get tested if you are positive you get put into the official count / figures
turn up with a broken leg or what ever and you get tested if you are positive you get put into the official count / figures

As having Covid? Well of course you do, what did you expect?
As having Covid? Well of course you do, what did you expect?

never expected anything tbh

it just tends to confuse the picture about hospitalised covid patients ? was the general take by the bloke on the radio ??
In SA at peak they had iirc of the order of 550 people in hosp with Covid, but only 150 or so of those went to hosp because of covid.

live at the ally pally. Covid? what covid?
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