Roll up, roll up...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Your sleeves that is...

Jabbers will of course have no problem with signing up for this...

"Researchers at the University of Oxford are looking for volunteers to take part in a human challenge trial to look at what kind of immune response can stop people from becoming infected with the original strain of the virus"

"A human challenge trial in medical research is a carefully controlled study that involves purposefully infecting a subject with a pathogen or bug, in order to study the effects of that infection"

Step forward lab rats or forever STFU about how wonderful the untested jabs are...

After all, you've been part of the biggest medical experiment in human history already, so one couldn't help but wonder at why you would possibly object to further experimentation at this late stage :)
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Can I bring my children, & the children of my children?
Roll up, roll up...

I often wonder why antivaxxers like yourself choose the option that gives the highest risk of serious illness and death.

Why do you prefer it?

Why do you try to persuade others to take the same option?
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Medical science has been using volunteers for experimentation since the year dot, more often than not to the benefit of others. I'm not sure what you get from mocking them. Do they affect you in some way?
I often wonder why antivaxxers like yourself choose the option that gives the highest risk of serious illness and death.

Why do you prefer it?

Why do you try to persuade others to take the same option?
Oh dear...

Still using that worn out phrase because of your cowardice in the face of what you are being brain washed into what to accept being pumped into your body...

So will you go for this experimental trial or not?

Yes or no?

But remember if your answer is no, then by your warped understanding you become an anti vaxxer ;)
Still using that worn out phrase because of your cowardice in the face of what you are being brain washed into what to accept being pumped into your body...

Follow the science, don't be an antivaxxxer sheeple. Think for yourself...
So will you go for this experimental trial or not?

the vaccines I've been given have all been through trials already, and have been given to millions or billions of people. They are not experimental. As usual, you are posting nonsense.
I see you are still avoiding trying to explain your preference for illness, suffering and death.
I take a reasoned approach to any medical issue and accept the consequences of my decisions...

I see you have avoided saying whether you would take this experimental deliberate infection approach to the 'virus' or not...

Why is that?
the vaccines I've been given have all been through trials already, and have been given to millions or billions of people. They are not experimental. As usual, you are posting nonsense.
Which bit of this did you not get?

"Researchers at the University of Oxford are looking for volunteers to take part in a human challenge trial to look at what kind of immune response can stop people from becoming infected with the original strain of the virus"

"A human challenge trial in medical research is a carefully controlled study that involves purposefully infecting a subject with a pathogen or bug, in order to study the effects of that infection"

Note the word 'trial' :rolleyes:

So would you consider going through the 'trial' or wait for others to test it?
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