Latest BBC salary bands

3 Sep 2022
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I really like Gary Linker and Sophie Raworth. Also, Alan Shearer and Huw Edwards.

I can't stand Fiona Bruce, Stephen Nolan or Zoe Ball.

Don't really know the others.

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AFAIK, Ken Bruce is no longer with the BBC.

Some of the people on the list are BBC radio presenters.
Those seem a bit odd. They certainly don’t represent good value for the licence fee payer.

There seems to be some more entertaining people not even in the top list.
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IMHO just publishing the BEEB's presenters salary is wrong. In fairness if the BEEB has to do it then so should the independent broadcasters so we, the public can compare like for like across the companies.
IMHO just publishing the BEEB's presenters salary is wrong. In fairness if the BEEB has to do it then so should the independent broadcasters so we, the public can compare like for like across the companies.
Do you compare anyone else in your life based upon how much they earn???
Five hundred thousand English pounds for the sage observances of Alan Shearer.
Half a million!
Those seem a bit odd. They certainly don’t represent good value for the licence fee payer.

There seems to be some more entertaining people not even in the top list.

Your statement is more than slightly subjective.

The people paying the wages at the Beeb know the market value of each person that they pay.

Over the years I worked for a shed load of people that worked in corporate roles in TV land. One day, they may be at the BBC, then they would join Channel 4/ITV/Channel 5/SKY.

One of my siblings joined Channel 5 in a corporate role before they started broadcasting. In a good year, with bonuses the said sibling would have been third on the OP's initial list (in terms of income). The said, my sibling decided to retire at the age of 52. My sibling took two years out of work and was head hunted by Sky. Once tempted to carry on working for a tad longer, they, the sibling, joined a different broadcasting company that was willing to pay more.

Having worked for people in the industry over the years, I don't bat an eye lid at the wages paid by broadcasters, frankly, the amount for a "star" to present a programme is a tiny fraction of the overall production costs.

If people believe that the BBC, being licence payer funded, pay above industry wages, then those people are misguided. If that were the case, the A stars would be on the BBC and the likes of Sky/ITV/Ch5 would be lobbying the government of the day to rectify things.
IMHO just publishing the BEEB's presenters salary is wrong. In fairness if the BEEB has to do it then so should the independent broadcasters so we, the public can compare like for like across the companies.

I am a fan of Auntie Beeb, but I think there should be accountability.

There will always be people maligining the BBC. When labour was in power they accused the BBC of bias. The tories got in to power and accused the BBC of bias.
What about Graham Norton and Michael McIntyre?

They must be earning loads. I know some have their own companies, so maybe those don't go on the list.

Also, I thought Jeremy Vine got £750K.

Not sure I trust the list.
IMHO just publishing the BEEB's presenters salary is wrong. In fairness if the BEEB has to do it then so should the independent broadcasters so we, the public can compare like for like across the companies.
Like for dislike?

"Ant and Dec are believed to be the top earners of UK TV after signing a £40 million-a-year deal with ITV last year"

"It is said that the duo earn £3.3M a month for their presenting work with ITV. However the deal is paid in one giant sum, meaning all their presenting work including I’m a Celeb and Britain’s Got Talent are paid together and they don’t have separate salaries for the different shows"

Rather puts the BBC list into context!
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