The first asylum seekers have arrived at a former RAF airbase.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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Their chances of getting into this country are about 1/20 and most of them will be sent back; or get a free flight to Rwanda where they can explore the Heart of Africa. Perhaps they'd enjoy a guided tour of the airbase during their stay.
You do know that they're not secured at all? They're free to come and go as they please, they're even providing free buses to neighbouring towns.

Those other 19 of 20 will be told to wait there for their flight back to wherever they came from. How many do you think are really likely to just wait around there? They'll disperse into the population, working cash-in-hand, or get money by whatever other means they can.

This is by design, the government wants them to go missing.
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Insulting right-on lefty claptrap, attempting to insinuate that anyone concerned about illegal immigration is a racist.

God help us when Starmer and his merry band of PC idiots take over, if this sort of thing illustrates their typical mindset.
There's a shortage of housing both to buy and to rent. The government are hoovering up properties off private landlords to house immigrants. This only leads to one thing higher prices and less properties. It's not about cookies. It's about British people losing out to an everlasting supply of economic migrants. Do you really think that's OK? Oh and yes it is this crap governments fault on so many levels. Do you think it's right though, regardless of whos fault it is?
There's a shortage of housing both to buy and to rent. The government are hoovering up properties off private landlords to house immigrants. This only leads to one thing higher prices and less properties. It's not about cookies. It's about British people losing out to an everlasting supply of economic migrants. Do you really think that's OK? Oh and yes it is this crap governments fault on so many levels. Do you think it's right though, regardless of whos fault it is?
At least you are recognising who to blame, where the problem is.

Bit late addressing the problem though aren't they. Leaving most people to blame "the foreigners" and " the eu"
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Insulting right-on lefty claptrap, attempting to insinuate that anyone concerned about illegal immigration is a racist.

God help us when Starmer and his merry band of PC idiots take over, if this sort of thing illustrates their typical mindset.
Or might they actually address the issue?

Let's blame Labour, they haven't been in power since......
There's a shortage of housing both to buy and to rent. The government are hoovering up properties off private landlords to house immigrants. This only leads to one thing higher prices and less properties. It's not about cookies. It's about British people losing out to an everlasting supply of economic migrants. Do you really think that's OK? Oh and yes it is this crap governments fault on so many levels. Do you think it's right though, regardless of whos fault it is?
With regard to the picture, it is in a sense about cookies, because the cookie is a representation of many things, tangible and otherwise.

People need to ask themselves this. Think of all the people that 'shouldn't be here'. Let's use a broad brush and equate that to any person who's awaiting a residency decision or those who have gone off-grid so to speak. Imagine they all weren't here from midnight tonight. And no new migrants to replace them. Logic tells us that would help to a degree with things like housing, GP waiting times, job vacancies, more £££ in the system to use elsewhere.

However, how much of a panacea would this be? I'd assert not much in the grand scheme of things. As some keep on saying in these threads, much of it is a useful diversion tactic for the government to cover up their incompetent strategic planning across many areas.

'It's all the fault of these blo0dy migrants!!!'

No it's not. They are a contributing factor to this country's ills, however they're not the main cause. Something else ... whether we like it or not ... this and other countries will need to better strategise for is future migration. Whether referring to climate refugees or others, we ain't seen nothing yet. And pulling up the drawbridge won't be an option.
At least you are recognising who to blame, where the problem is.

Bit late addressing the problem though aren't they. Leaving most people to blame "the foreigners" and " the eu"

I know it's not what you said but to be clear, for all my many faults I have never blamed the foreigners. I would do similar if I were in their position.
It's not unreasonable to apportion some blame to the EU. Our new arrivals get a free walk through many countries unhindered on their way here.
I don't think that's an unreasonable view.
Or might they actually address the issue?

Let's blame Labour, they haven't been in power since......
I hope Labour deliver. I'm voting for them next time round and my folks are probably turning in their grave on that. Tories are Tories blahblah but on the basis of the last few years I'd vote for Mickey Mouse over a Tory government....turns out I might be lol.
At least you are recognising who to blame, where the problem is.

Bit late addressing the problem though aren't they. Leaving most people to blame "the foreigners" and " the eu"
Your attitude stinks. You're assuming that everyone who's not a happy-clappy lefty is a racist moron.

The fact that you've merely referred to the situation as a "problem" probably makes you a racist moron in the eyes of many lefties, e.g. the cookie cartoon posting types.

There really isn't some brainless Tories vs Labour gang battle in which we've all picked our team. Some of us actually think about who we're going to vote for, based on issues and performance.

What is a fact is that the tories have failed to control immigration. It's also a fact that the previous Labour government failed too, the only difference was that back then they hadn't started using inflatable dinghies yet. Starmer and chums do not have a single policy that aims to control immigration, they only aim to speed up the process. This is likely to involve handing out passports to clear the backlog, which will encourage vastly more to come, Labour are famous for failing to understand unintended consequences.
Your attitude stinks. You're assuming that everyone who's not a happy-clappy lefty is a racist moron.

The fact that you've merely referred to the situation as a "problem" probably makes you a racist moron in the eyes of many lefties, e.g. the cookie cartoon posting types.

There really isn't some brainless Tories vs Labour gang battle in which we've all picked our team. Some of us actually think about who we're going to vote for, based on issues and performance.

What is a fact is that the tories have failed to control immigration. It's also a fact that the previous Labour government failed too, the only difference was that back then they hadn't started using inflatable dinghies yet. Starmer and chums do not have a single policy that aims to control immigration, they only aim to speed up the process. This is likely to involve handing out passports to clear the backlog, which will encourage vastly more to come, Labour are famous for failing to understand unintended consequences.
My attitude?

I am not a happy clappy lefty moron, just a pretty central realist.

I am saying the problem is directly responsible to OUR GOVERNMENT and nobody else. The problem has been getting worse for the last few years, and there is and has been a distinct lack of a system to deal with it. The blame has been put elsewhere,, and lots of people have believed it, sounds like you do too.

How long have the Tories been in power and (lack of) control of the biggest single issue for a lot of people?

It is not the fault of Labour currently, and they are not blame free. But get things in perspective and look at the current problem versus previous issues. It might hurt, but you need to do some self reflection and stop throwing out loose insults like a few others do.

Whose attitude stinks? Let's not blame the Tories is the attitude that stinks. And that includes you.
Insulting right-on lefty claptrap, attempting to insinuate that anyone concerned about illegal immigration is a racist.

God help us when Starmer and his merry band of PC idiots take over, if this sort of thing illustrates their typical mindset.

As usual the idiots on here get taken for a ride time and time again by the press who are not on your side.

The Tories have failed on their economic policy and so all they have left is the culture wars.

The Tory offer is this - we are crap, we fail, we can't get anything done but you know what it will be worse under Labour- no evidence just fear mongering and lies and the dumb like yourself lap it up.

I'll vote Labour simply because its less of the crap the Tories do - that's it.
My attitude?

I am not a happy clappy lefty moron, just a pretty central realist.

I am saying the problem is directly responsible to OUR GOVERNMENT and nobody else. The problem has been getting worse for the last few years, and there is and has been a distinct lack of a system to deal with it. The blame has been put elsewhere,, and lots of people have believed it, sounds like you do too.

How long have the Tories been in power and (lack of) control of the biggest single issue for a lot of people?

It is not the fault of Labour currently, and they are not blame free. But get things in perspective and look at the current problem versus previous issues. It might hurt, but you need to do some self reflection and stop throwing out loose insults like a few others do.

Whose attitude stinks? Let's not blame the Tories is the attitude that stinks. And that includes you.

Tory policy fails - they then blame lefty lawyers, outisde influences, etc and their voters lap it up. Look at Brexit.
Brexit gave the Tories an opportunity to leave the European court of human rights but failed to do so, therefore tying their hands on immigration issues. Starmer has to my knowledge not iterated whether he would withdraw, given he wants to get as close to the eu as possible I think we can take it he won't be leaving also resulting in his hands being tied.
So if your looking to labour to do it for you, quite frankly I think your barking.
I don't think Starmer will have any qualms in setting up an amnesty to get them off the books.
Probably the only difference between the parties.
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