Recent content by HaveMercy

  1. H

    Houses subdivided into several self-contained dwellings but no separated utilities?

    thanks. From an online check performed, all these dwellings are registered as individual council tax flats, so I am assuming appropriate council taxes are being paid.
  2. H

    Houses subdivided into several self-contained dwellings but no separated utilities?

    We have three houses nearby, all belonging to the same freeholder, who had subdivided them into several self-contained flats, and the freeholder/landlord is renting them all out. He rents them out as 'all inclusive'. As far as I can see, there is only a single flue appearing from each house...
  3. H

    Minimum double storey rear wall distance to a boundary

    LoL, I ought to elaborate I guess. A developer has submitted a planning application to erect a 2 storey 1 bed house. The length of its rear garden will be around 3m (estimate) to our boundary. Our boundary meaning the side of our garden. The rear of our house and the rear of its house will be...
  4. H

    Minimum double storey rear wall distance to a boundary

    Is there one, as a planning guide? Thanks
  5. H

    Objections on new Dwelling proposal, should I report on existing Developer's breach?

    A Developer wants to build a double storey house attached to his existing three storey dwelling and has submitted an application forward. The existing three storey house was built with breaches and I had already posted about this a couple of weeks ago headed under..... "Have discovered multiple...
  6. H

    Have discovered multiple breaches from adjacent development - Do I have any hope?

    There seems to be two options available for contacting my local council; 1) Planning enforcement 2) Unauthorised work / Building Control Would both of these departments need to be contacted? I think I'll inform them this week. Give it a go and see what happens I guess !
  7. H

    Have discovered multiple breaches from adjacent development - Do I have any hope?

    Just thought I'd attach a view from Mum's garden of the house built in red brick.
  8. H

    Have discovered multiple breaches from adjacent development - Do I have any hope?

    Nab - I guess my folks will be regarded as a low profile case. napoleondynamite - I don't know if an enforcement notice was served, are we able to find out, would it be freedom of information? Chappers - Regarding harm, my Mum just doesn't go in the garden anymore, she just feels uncomfortable...
  9. H

    Have discovered multiple breaches from adjacent development - Do I have any hope?

    Wow, baptism of fire, I'm beginning to understand why developers invest in "bricks and mortar", they can get away with planning infringements, make a killing and effectively get away with it. Time to change my profession too. Thanks for your help guys.
  10. H

    Have discovered multiple breaches from adjacent development - Do I have any hope?

    So if the works were refused by Planning, how can the building be Certified for dwelling? It was refused on the basis of "loss of single family dwelling, house of a size/location inappropriate for sub-division into more than one dwelling, would have an adverse effect on character and amenities...
  11. H

    Have discovered multiple breaches from adjacent development - Do I have any hope?

    :(History of adjacent property........... Dec 2006 - Developer applied Planning Permission to build a detached 2 storey dwelling. DECISION = APPROVED Apr 2007 - Developer decided to then change his mind and apply for erection of two storey building to form 2 self contained flats. DECISION =...