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  • Cooker ovens - light oven on high, will start flame on low rate and will gradually increase. Confirms liquid exp valve (fsd) is working. If goes straight to full flame, then bellows are jammed open and deemed as at risk. Turn off gas from oven control knob. Relight after 1 min and flame should come on low again - confirms flame supervision works. Thermostat - light oven high for 5-10 mins. Then lower dial to say gas mark 4/5, flame will go down, then lower again to min and flame should be on bypass level (low). If flame goes out, then bypass is blocked and needs cleaning.

    Fires - fsd is usually thermocouple. Light fire and then shut off gas from main gas lever at meter. Time for the 'click' indicating the thermoelectriv valve shutting down. 60second limit on most appliances, but fires are allowed up to 180 seconds to click.
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