Recent content by PietroMaximoff

  1. P

    Where can I find a replica cupboard door?

    Could anyone give me a ball park figure as to how much it would cost to get one made up? People have said it'll be expensive, but I wondered roughly?
  2. P

    Where can I find a replica cupboard door?

    Thanks again, both.
  3. P

    Where can I find a replica cupboard door?

    Anyone please give me an idea of how much it will cost to get a joiner to do it? I've found a place that will let me alter the size of the rails, but I want to compare it with a joiner. I've rung a few joiners but nobody has been able to help, thought this might be better, Thanks.
  4. P

    Door replica

    Here's a photo of the door, in case anyone has spotted one with similar sized rails (50mm)
  5. P

    Putting a freezer in the loft :p

    Thanks for the thoughts. I could buy another freezer but that would be fairly noisy too, and like I said, I thought it would be nice to have the living room as quiet as possible. I wouldn't mind nipping in to the loft when I need to get in to the freezer. I spend a lot of time in my room so it...
  6. P

    Putting a freezer in the loft :p

    I have a kind of loud freezer, and as my kitchen connects to my living room, it can be quite audible. It's not a major issue, but it got me thinking about how it would be nice to be able to sit and watch TV in a bit more quiet, as my fridge makes no noise. I'm toying with the idea of sticking...