Recent content by SWCX

  1. S

    Tap Stuck To Basin

    What I'm guessing is this basin has square tap holes, underneath it looks like their is a white square shape that is slightly different colour to the basin. I'm wondering if I could put the drill in low torque and drill around tap tail into the putty?
  2. S

    Tap Stuck To Basin

    Update, I've managed to fit a hacksaw blade under the rim of the tap and file out a lot of it on front side, bit more tricky doing it round the far side though as the tap is closer to the basin and their is no gap to fit the blade in. Heated the tail up with a blow torch, doesn't seem to help...
  3. S

    Erratically acting TV

    We watch the TV via Freeview Our old TV started acting erratically it would change channels by itself,and the volume would increase of its own accord, so we bought a new one, this constantly kept switching itself on/off. So we took this one back and changed for an LG this was ok for a couple of...
  4. S

    Tap Stuck To Basin

    Thanks for your reply. I don't think it's silicone. I can't twist the tap even with the back nut off, it remains solid to the basin no movement at all.
  5. S

    Tap Stuck To Basin

    We recently bought new taps for the bathroom as the old ones leaked and are years old 15+ would be my guess. I have managed to undo the back nut that seemed to have been fixed on with adhesive of some kind(which was a long task in itself), then I think yes I can finally fit the new tap at last...