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  • Hey sorry mate I didn't realise that you had contacted me....I saw that there was a need for a bit of chimney sweeping so i thought it could be an earner. I have 2 sets of Bailey rods (20m in length total) and 2 16" bristle brushes - 1 of which I've trimmed down to about 9".
    I block off the fireplace with a plywood patch with a covered (carpetted) hole in the centre. The rods pass through this, and I tape the patch to the fire surround. I use a cheap Earlex vacuum (Wickes)
    with 2 long hoses - 1 to poke into the fireplace and 1 that goes to outside - in case there's a leak of soot.
    I also have 2 wire brushes (4" and 6") which i use for wood burners. The most important thing though is to run a mile if the chimney pot looks insecure, or if there is a cowl on that may be knocked off. We don't want a chimney pot falling through the slates!
    I charge £30 for a chimney thats close to me - if I have to use the van then its £40. I keep bin liners on board plus new vacuum paper bags, and plenty of tape! Plenty of dust sheets are vital.
    Cheers John
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