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  1. G


    I have a thermostat that I foolishly failed to consider when wall mounting a TV nearby. Surprise surprise heat from the TV affects the temp of the thermostat. A boiler engineer recently suggested installing a wireless thermostat where the receiver simply replaces the existing thermostat...
  2. G

    PB around bath. Remove old tiles or tile over?

    thanx for the tips guys. i spoke to a few other people who mostly had the same opinion, remove the tiled PB sections and replace with new PB and then tile. I had no idea PB could be so easily replaced :o I also found another forum thread that claimed that PB had a max tile weight of ~ 20kg...
  3. G

    PB around bath. Remove old tiles or tile over?

    I have plasterboard around my bath which has existing tiles on it. the tiles only go half way up the wall. I want to re-tile to the ceiling. What are the dangers of removing tiles from plasterboard for re-tiling? If i were to tile over the existing tiles, is there a max weight of tiling...