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  1. D

    BIASI 28S - No DHW

    Thank God for someone with a sense of humor Tony.javascript:emoticon(':D') Personally my tongue is permanently in my cheek and find it hard to take this mad world seriously! If you had the energy to plow thru my post you would see I did note (“Age UK”) after Age Concern as most people still say...
  2. D

    BIASI 28S - No DHW

    I am always frustrated by finding someone has posted on a forum asking for help, help generously provided and then the story goes cold – no conclusion posted, no thanks, no nothing. I try not to be such a “someone” and in this case if anyone searches Google UK for “Biasi 29S no DHW” this topic...
  3. D

    BIASI 28S - No DHW

    Yep I was hoping my post might catch “god’s” eye! I have looked at your past posts (about 1% of the many thousands!) and see you are a plumber and from the looks of your profile an expat brit living in Tennessee who is blessed with a sense of humour. I adore Tn (my eldest daughter now...
  4. D

    BIASI 28S - No DHW

    Thanks Chris Yes I am aware of the explosive powers of gas (I used to work for Shell and had some experience at the sharp end) also I don’t want to invalidate my home insurance!! I do appreciate your point about the pin coming out and would like to have looked at that but did not see how to...
  5. D

    Advice on Ideal Response 80 Combi

    As I was posting on another matter (of our home boiler) I saw this topic where I never reported to the forum the outcome of the help you gave me about this Ideal boiler (in a rented flat). Based on your advice I battled with British Gas and two months and about 20 emails later they agreed to...
  6. D

    BIASI 28S - No DHW

    Hi Forum Having lurked a lot (and it seems I have read most of Tony’s 29,945 posts!javascript:emoticon(':D') ) I am asking for help with a Biasi 28S Combi - vintage 2002. The boiler was installed in 3003 and has performed very well ever since – on the principle of “If it ain't broke, don't...
  7. D

    Advice on Ideal Response 80 Combi

    God bless you both Petit Pablo and ChrisR for your reply. So quick it took me by surprise! Sorry about the bold – I am nearly blind and tend to use “big and bold”! Yes, I think they only changed the head as I asked for the old pieces to be left and only got the red bit. It was cruddy and it...
  8. D

    Advice on Ideal Response 80 Combi

    Hello Forum! Anyone able to give me some advice about work on a Combi Ideal Response 80? A Brit Gas engineer (maybe a contractor not their own man?) said I needed a new expansion vessel and also PRV. I was forced to agree. Job done and billed. Later I tested the old EV and decided nothing...